Disposing of an old computer


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I have an old computer that I've had since 1998 and, as you can probably imagine, it's slow as a reeeaaallllyy slow thing.

I also decided I have no real use for 3 computers and that'd definitely be the candidate to receive it's walking papers.

I thought of erasing it and donating it to goodwill, but it's so outdated I don't think anyone would want it.

What is the safest way to dispose of it without throwing any cash at it, program wise? Keep in mind its 8-9 years old, so I have no idea what is on it as far as personal info goes, and I want to make sure, should someone get a hold of it, they have no way to access anything that may be deep within the abyss of the hard drive.


Now I'll sit back and hope it involves a sledgehammer.

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Re: Disposing of an old computer

Steven I've used this program to securely erase data. It's freeware. [LINK] Another way to get most, if not all of, the data unretrievable is to reformat the computer 4 times in a row. This makes recovering data near impossible once you do it that many times.

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Re: Disposing of an old computer

I think there is a whole lot of mercury(bad) and gold(good) in them PC's. Where I live in NY, one has to bring the PC's and any electronic equipment to a county recycling facilty. Monitors are LOADED with poison for the earth, so if at all possible make every effort to dispose of that old PC in the most "green" way as possible.

If its going into the trash, I'd take out that hard drive and ventilate it at 100 yards with my AR-15 grin.gif

Or give the hard drive the hammer treatment, come on...how many time have you wished you could take a hammer to the PC?

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