moultrie gamespy 100 help


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Hey guys,

I have a moultrie game spy 100. I brought it in and downloaded the pictures this weekend. I was going to set it out in a different spot, but when I put the SD card back in I recieved the following message: SD CARD LOCKED. I tried a couple of different SD Cards with the same results. Has anyone run into this problem. (BTW the cards are not locked, they work just fine in my wife's digital camera!)


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Re: moultrie gamespy 100 help

From what I've been told by a friend who has a few Moultries this is a common annoyance on the cameras. The way to get it to work again is to do things in this order:

1. Power Down The Camera

2. Take The SD Card Out

3. Power Up The Camera

4. Power Down The Camera Again

5. Put The SD Card In

6. Power Up The Camera

If for some reason you try that order a couple times and it doesn't work I'd consider sending it back and getting a new one. My friend's been through a couple cameras because that order still didn't fix the card reading issue on the camera. From the way it sounds it's a very common issue with Moultrie cameras.

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