'Twas a good season...


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I came into the 2006 season with high expectations for not only myself, but other family members as well. I had put in a ton of time scouting throughout the Summer and couldn't wait to get a big buck on the ground. But, before that even started we had a chance to do our annual turkey hunt. It wasn't very long before my brother had a tom on the ground.


This year was a little different though, in that I bagged my first tom as well.

[iMaGe] ]http://www.huntingforums.com/photopost/data/500/medium/IMG_0612_crop.JPG[/iMaGe]

And the two of us after our successful turkey hunt:


Just before archery season kicked off, my dad went off on his third sheep adventure. He had been successful on his previous two trips, one for Dall's and the other for a Stone's. This time he was hunting Rocky Mountain Bighorn. And once again, he was successful. Third sheep, in three years, all taken on the third day of the hunt, this one at 300 yards shot with a Browning .300WSM mountain ti.


After my dad's successful sheep hunt and after yet another long and dry Summer finally came September. And with September comes archery season. I wasn't able to hunt nearly as much as I would have liked due to new job commitments that kept me in Milwaukee during the week for nearly the entire season. But I did have my opportunities. Here are a few of the better bucks that I passed up this season:





Although I didn't take a deer with archery tackle this year, I had my opportunities. Admittedly, I misjudged the distance on this buck and grazed him in the armpit area on a 30 yard quartering away shot.

(Picture is from one week after the shot)


Just before our rifle season kicked off, my soon-to-be father-in-law took his largest buck to date.


Rifle season produced yet another nice buck for us. My fiancè put to rest a well-known buck, Gimpy. I must add, she shot this buck at a distance of 195 yards while sitting "Indian-Style" off of the platform of a stand.

Gimpy, 2005


Gimpy, 2006


Nikki, with Gimpy.


My sister also took her first deer, while hunting totally on her own.


I was unable to connect with a Wisconsin buck during gun season, but I was headed down to Iowa to try my luck at putting a good buck down. As luck would have it, I was able to take my first Iowa buck on the first morning of our hunt.


I continued to hunt until the last minute of the last day of archery season, but was unable to find the buck I was looking for. While on stand this year, though my time was limited, I saw an incredible number of big bucks. Two bucks that would make 130's, shot and did not recover (he lived) a mid 140" 10 point, one buck that would score about 150", one mid 160" ten point and another giant that I look forward to seeing next year. Let the shed hunting begin!

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