Your first set-up?


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I was just looking at my wall-o-racks reflecting back on the hunts. I came to my very first bowkill. I got to thinking about that old bow that started my love affair with archery. I also got to thinking about how advanced todays archery tackle has become. My first bow was a PSE Carrol Marauder..a big ol' bulky thing with a massive grip. Even with an open hand grip, it still filled your hand with grip! It hand round wheel(oval) cams. It sported an original TM Hunter rest that supported my Easton XX75 Gamegetters with 5" vanes. I shot Vortex mechanicals for my first two deer. My sights were first the good ol' brass pins with the little ball on the end which I painted with different bright colors of model paint. I quickly upgraded to the latest greatest things, the T style pins that had light absorbing plastis on the ends. You old timers will remember those for sure. My release, the trusty Cobra caliper release..that thing lasted me QUITE a few years! It was a good bow in it's day, wish I still had it...just for ol' times sake if anything.

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Re: Your first set-up?

I don't remember the brand of my first bow. I think it might have been a Golden Eagle Brave Scout Black Bow Set, possibly, or something very similar to it. Shot it from ages 9-11 years old. Then I went to another youth bow until I was 15. I don't remember that one's brand or what it looked like at all for some reason, but I remember shooting it and giving it to a second cousin when I outgrew it. Then we got the Hoyt Raider that I shot until I injured my shoulder and gave that to my mother after that. She gave it back to me last year and it's the bow I've been playing with outside the past couple days getting antsy to get my new bow for my birthday and get back into archery again now that my shoulder is functioning well enough to handle shooting again.

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Re: Your first set-up?

Mine was a "Jenning's One Star" with wide 60 lb limbs the size of a 55 chevy bumper smirk.gifgrin.gif

...and almost heavier then guilt shocked.gif

It launched/heaved aluminum gamegetter logs at a blazing speed...LOL

I could almost run downrange and move the target over if my shot was a little off so I would hit the bullseye grin.gif

All kidding aside I have a deep gratefullness in my heart for what that Bow helped me accomplish....a complete addiction to the sport!

I gave it to my Dad when he attempted to get back into bow hunting(and I bought my first Mathews).

That Bow was in my Fathers hands and it almost came to full draw while hunting before He got busted and didnt get a shot. That Bow gave him the "Rush" just one more time in his life and it was probably the last time he will ever shoot a Bow again with his health problems.

That was not just a became a building block of some Lifetime Memories for Father and Son.

After my Dad gave up shooting it got donated to a benefit auction.

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Re: Your first set-up?

It was 1989, and the bow was a Bear Whitetail Legend set at 60lbs. It flung these HUGE tree trunk aluminum Eastons XX75's. It too had those brass pin sights with bright paint on them. I still have that bow and lend it out to a friend the last 2 bow seasons to get him into it. Its working grin.gif

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Re: Your first set-up?

first bow was actually a Barnett crossbow. No cams or sights. Still have it, but since then I've bought a Myles Keller Legacy XI from a friend, and I took an 8 point with it last October. I am also shooting indoor competition with it now. I also bought a Herter's recurve bow too.

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