New Leaf River Pics


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Re: New Leaf River Pics

I posted this in the other thread - from the manual

daylight pictures are too white

1 - make sure flash is set to automatic

2 - EV - exposure value may be set too high -- reduce

3 - camera may be pointed at the sun, point away from sun ( some of your pics looks like its pointed into the sun)

don't know if this helps ya

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Re: New Leaf River Pics


I don't know anything about those cameras but, like Lewis said:


3 - camera may be pointed at the sun, point away from sun ( some of your pics looks like its pointed into the sun)

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I have one of the LR's and that would be my guess. Last time i put mine up most my pics were ruined because i had it pointing towars the sun.

But those night pics i have the same problem.

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Re: New Leaf River Pics

Ok, I used to have this same problem, and contacted leaf river, it only ended up being my white balance. Check your white balance, if is about 1, set it to zero. Try it. If at zero set a little in the negative or try covering the flash with duct tape. Sometimes that extra flash range they try to get you is obviously not very beneficial when the deer are up close. So try coverin about 2/3 of it, 1/3 on each side. It may sound like a lot but it has done us a lot of good. Hope this helps, if not I would contact leaf river.

It might even be beneficial to take the camera out, set up up outside and test it in the dark by walking in front of it.

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Re: New Leaf River Pics

Your white balance is off shane, that is also why your pics were washed out in the flash pics in your other thread. Look in your manual for instructions on how to set it. Might also consider changing the batteries. Have had a few shots at night where my flash did not work when my batteries got low. If you still cannot get it, give the guys at vibrashine a call like Todd suggests. They will help you out.

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