Ruger M77 Mark II


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I've been thinking about a new rifle for a while, first it was the Remington Model 7 CDL, now after checking out the Ruger M77 Mark II, I'm having a hard time deciding which one to get. Also when it comes to the Rugers, I'm also wondering whether to get the compact model (16 1/2" barrel) or the Standard (22" barrel). I'm leaning towards the compact, but wondering what the shorter barrel will do to the accuracy. If I do get the compact it'll be in .260 Remington, if I get the standard it'll either be the .260 or the .25-06. Any experience with the calibers and or rifles anyone? What are the pros/cons of each, which one would you go with? Some input on whether to go compact or standard would be appreciated to. This will be my new wolf/groundhog gun, also may use it for deer sometimes too when I don't carry my WSM.

(I know, I'm braking the OTPG rules.... blush.gifblush.gifgrin.gif)

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Re: Ruger M77 Mark II

Personally, I hate the Ruger 77. Its a decent looking action, but its investment cast and the tolerances vary a lot in them. The other thing I don't like about them is the angled action screw. It can make bedding them properly a pain. I will take a 7, 700, 110, 70, etc over the 77 anytime.

As for the choice of chamberings, I have both the .260 and the .25-06. Both work very well on varmints and deer. The 25-06 is of course a long action, so it will not fit in the Model 7. The 260 Rem is a fun cartridge that is equal to the 6.5x55. If you handload, you can use the 95 gr V-Max. It shoots great and is super explosive. I shot the 95 gr Ballistic Tip for deer and I did not have to change anything from my varmint loads. I could interchange bullets and hunt deer or varmints.

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Re: Ruger M77 Mark II

Thanks for the reply AJ, after hearing that maybe it's best to go with the 7. The compact version really caught my eye, thinking it'd be a handy little rifle to throw over my shoulder on the snowmobile when I go wolf hunting. I do want something that'll be reliable and something relativly easy to modify if I decide to do so. Thanks again for the input!

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Re: Ruger M77 Mark II

I bought my daughter a Ruger 77 compact in .260 and I've been very happy with it. For a hunting rifle I have no complaints. The problem with the .260 is that there are not many factory loads for it. If you don't reload it's not a good choice IMO.

Anyways I have two Rugers and really like them. I wouldn't hesitate to buy another.

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Re: Ruger M77 Mark II

Out of all the Rugers M77 that my buddy and I have....several .300 win mags, older M77 in .250 savage...and a .243...only my .300 with a laminate stock needed a bedding job to make it shoot great. It shot great the first and second shots...then would climb...still staying within 3"...but I had it bedded and floated and now it shoots great.

No complaints....would gladly buy another M77.

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Re: Ruger M77 Mark II

Looked at the Ruger compact in wal marts special order catalog back at Christmas 2005 when buying my oldest daughter her first deer rifle. I was going to get it in a .243 though. Ended up with a browning a-bolt microhunter because the ruger may not have been able to have been gotten to the store in time for Christmas. The ruger compact looked like a nice rifle to me though.

Far as the .260, think if I were you I would look closer at the .243 or the 25-06.

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Re: Ruger M77 Mark II

I own a ruger M77 ultralight (16.5 inch barrel) in 30-06 and I grew up shooting standard M77mk1s in various calibers and absolutely love them. They all shoot sub MOA, my 06 consistently shoots 3/4 inch groups at 100 yards from a cold barrel. there is one downside to the UL/Compact and that is that the barrel heats up faster and that can affect point of aim after 5 or so rapid shots.

I wouldn't hesitate to recomend any M77 to anyone looking for a hunting rifle...I must admit though that the M77's have a total "lawyer trigger" breaks cleanly but very heavy trigger pull...

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Re: Ruger M77 Mark II

the biggest difference here is were talking about a hunting gun, not a benchrest gun, I own several m77's and love them, but if I were to build say a 6BR it would definatly be off a 700 action because of the tighter tolerances. So either model will bring you enough accuracy and dependability for hunting purposes.

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