What gun would you reccommend for skeet/trap?


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Dad and I went out to one of the gunshops for something to do this past Sunday. The shop happens to be part of a shooting range which has skeet and trap courses set up. After doing some browsing we went out and watched some guys shoot. This is the first time I've ever saw this done on an actual course, we've shot clay birds in the gravel pit with a hand thrower, but I've never tried it on a course. I tell ya, that looks like a blast and I'd like to get into it. I'm assuming an over/under would be the best type of gun to use, anyone have any reccommendations of an affordable o/u? What gauge do you shoot for this? I'm leaning towards a 20 or 28 gauge.

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Re: What gun would you reccommend for skeet/trap?

I'd shoot a 12 ga. for sure. I'd recommend that until you get better. 28 ga. ammo is expensive too. If you've never shot trap, skeet, or Sporting Clays and only watched, It's WAYYYYYYY harder than it looks and 3 times funner than it looks so the 12 will help.

I'd also just shoot the shotgun you have now until you get better. I've used my bps's, 870's, and my new CZ for clays.

If I were to buy a clays gun it would be a Browning Gold or the new Remmy 105cti when they get the bugs worked out.

Beretta's and Brownings have a huge following in the sporting world and there are those who use the remmy 11-87's as well. Those would be the most economical. Look at the "christmas shotgun" thread. Those are wildly popular for shooting clays.

Anyways, what type of action is up to you. Lots of guys like the doubles, some like the semi's. The semi's will eat up the recoil better so thats where I'd go.

Have fun!! There's only two things funner than shooting clays. Hunting, and ........ well............ you know. smirk.gifsmirk.gif

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Re: What gun would you reccommend for skeet/trap?

Thanks! Yeah I have a Remington 870 Wingmaster 12ga right now, maybe I'll use that. It's got the full choke and 26" barrel. Maybe I'll take the Remington 1100 20ga (modified choke 28" barrel) out for a round or two as well.

I love the Browning Citori's, but they're a tad too expensive for my budget right now! blush.gifgrin.gif

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Guest Colorado Bob

Re: What gun would you reccommend for skeet/trap?

IMO---it would take 2 guns. The stock is generally higher on a trap gun. The stock on a Skeet gun is closer to a field gun.

Trap is a single shot game. So a single barrel gun is just right IMO----I like the BT-99 Browing. It's a workhorse of a gun. A pump action is also good----Lots of Model 12's & 870's out there.

Skeet-----An o/u or an auto would be my pick. I like the o/u much better than the auto-----they always seem to need a cleaning. With an afternoon of skeet shooting you could run thru 100 rounds with no trouble------My 11-81 always seem to run thru about 50 or 60 rounds them need a quick cleaning out ti would start acting up. Last thing I want is to think about cleaning a gun when I'm in the middle of a shoot. CB

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Re: What gun would you reccommend for skeet/trap?

A Rem 870 will do the job as long as you can pump it and get on the second target. I have shot international skeet and sporting clays with a Rem 870 and it can be done, its a lot harder but unless you are in competition shooting, it will do just fine until you save enough $ for a better gun.

The Remington 1100 has won more clay target championships than any other shotgun. That says something about it. You can use any gun that shoots where you look to shoot trap and skeet. If you want to get serious about shooting and get into teh competive side of trap/skeet an over/under is the cheapest way to go if you intend on shooting all 4 gauges in skeet. Or you can buy a set of 4 semi auto guns.

I would look hard at the used Browning Citori sporting clay guns. They can be had much cheaper than new and will still last you a long time for casual league shooting. I shoot a sporting clays o/u gun for skeet, sporting clays, and hunting. I have also used it for trap shooting and I won a few class wins and handicap shoots with it.

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Re: What gun would you reccommend for skeet/trap?

I used to be in a trap league and I used a Winchester Model 97 Black Diamond Trap Gun. It was a hoot to shoot and made for a great conversation piece.

When I was not using that gun I was using my 1100 with a mod. barrel. or my Light-12 with a mod. barrel.

I had a chance to shoot my buddies 20 ga. citori. WOW! what a gun! I couldn't miss. I never bought one because of the cost.

I never shot skeet because I felt I didn't own the right gun/barrel to do it right.

Good luck with your search wink.gif

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Re: What gun would you reccommend for skeet/trap?

I just got into trap shooting this past year. Didn't want to beat my poor little 20 ga. s/s to death. So I got a Winchester Select Energy Sporting. Figured it would be O.K. for most any shotgun shooting sport that I'd be getting in to. I LOVE it!! It's very well built. It mounts & swings like a dream. And it's considerably less pricey than the Brownings (which I liked...but not as well) and Berettas (which I didn't like at all).


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Re: What gun would you reccommend for skeet/trap?

Any shotgun will work. I started shooting trap this past summer and every style and price range of shotgun was represented--SS, fancy O/U, pump, autos, etc. The important thing is to get out and shoot.

For what it's worth, for trap I shoot a Browning BT-99. It is a sweet gun, but definately not required.

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Re: What gun would you reccommend for skeet/trap?

Yeah...........I forgot to add one thing to my post. One of the 25's I saw shot at our club's range this past summer was shot with a Westernfield (Montgomery Ward Mossberg) 550 with a "flame thrower" Poly-choke. Just ask my dad. He will tell you. "It's not the gun. It's the guy holding the gun." wink.gif

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Guest Colorado Bob

Re: What gun would you reccommend for skeet/trap?

Hoyt-----for trap----a mod choke is fine for 16 yard singles. For handicap-----a full choke.

For sporting clays & skeet. An IC choke is good.

In all honesty------if you are on the bird----it will break-----choke is secondry. CB

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Re: What gun would you reccommend for skeet/trap?

I have a variety of shotguns, but I haven't found anything that will help me break more trap targets than my old 870 Express (12 gauge). When it comes to skeet I pull my Browning A5 Light out of the cabinet. I'm not a competitive shooter, just a hunter that likes to shoot trap/skeet. Average about 23 for both. Use whatever you shoot best.

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Re: What gun would you reccommend for skeet/trap?

sporting clays are a lot of fun. if you are sticking to skeet or trap, i'd say go with a semi-auto like an 11-87 or my new favorite gun, a beretta 391. if you are shooting actual "sporting clays" where you walk around and have different targets, you might want an o/u for the option of having 2 different chokes

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Re: What gun would you reccommend for skeet/trap?

I primarily shoot Beretta Silver Pigeon in 28ga. , the ammo is more costly than 12 or 20. I also use a Remington 332 in 12ga. I shoot a few times a year and a competition here and there, but like AJ said, there are a lot of guns that will do the job for less $$$$. I would strongly recomed the Rem 11-87.

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Guest BriarRidgePlots

Re: What gun would you reccommend for skeet/trap?

I shoot a Winchester 101 O/U trap model. It is the sweetest shooting trap gun in the world!! (Ok ok maybe not the world, but for those of us with tight budgets that drool over Citoris) I also have a 101 field model that I use for the rare occasions that I shoot skeet. Other than that my BPS's both 12 and 20, and my 12 870 do pretty darn good!

Tom (who desperately wants a Citoti)

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