Could Junior leave DEI?


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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?




Could he? Yes.

Will he? No.

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I agree,,, Dale knows exactly how the game is played.... wink.gif

But on the ironic side of things it would be halarious if he ended up in a Hendrick car.... grin.gifgrin.gif

Ooops, almost forget to mention that comment shouls just about get me crusified.... grin.gifwink.gif

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Junior would never end up in a Hendrick car. Why? Because Junior doesn't swing from other side of the plate...if ya know what I mean. tongue.gifgrin.gif

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What side of the plate is the other side ??? grin.gifgrin.gif ..... Last I looked a plate is round and has NO sides.... tongue.giftongue.gif Oh, you mean Jr. doesn't go for the winning Championships side ... grin.gifgrin.giftongue.gif

Shoot,, did it again,,, we need to keep this on topic... wink.gif

I really think it would be in Jr.'s and Tresea's best intrest to put the personal stuff aside and attend to business..... wink.gifwink.gif If Sr. want ed Jr. to have any stake in DEI he would have taken care of that aspect in his will.... JMO

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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?





Could he? Yes.

Will he? No.

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I agree,,, Dale knows exactly how the game is played.... wink.gif

But on the ironic side of things it would be halarious if he ended up in a Hendrick car.... grin.gifgrin.gif

Ooops, almost forget to mention that comment shouls just about get me crusified.... grin.gifwink.gif

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Junior would never end up in a Hendrick car. Why? Because Junior doesn't swing from other side of the plate...if ya know what I mean. tongue.gifgrin.gif

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What side of the plate is the other side ??? grin.gifgrin.gif ..... Last I looked a plate is round and has NO sides....

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Oh boy. smirk.gif

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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?


Junior would never end up in a Hendrick car. Why? Because Junior doesn't swing from other side of the plate...if ya know what I mean.


What side of the plate is the other side ??? ..... Last I looked a plate is round and has NO sides.... Oh, you mean Jr. doesn't go for the winning Championships side ...

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Don't hate the Hendricks guys just because they "bat lefty". They are pretty talented. As a matter of fact, Ingrid and Chandra would probably tell you they are ambidextrous! ooo.gif

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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?



If Sr. want ed Jr. to have any stake in DEI he would have taken care of that aspect in his will.... JMO

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Then again Luke, Sr. did not expect to be killed in a race so Jr. indeed may have been added to the will at somepoint saying what his stake is in DEI.

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Lou, if Im not mistaken I think all of the NASCAR drivers are required to have thier wills up to date and validated.... could be wrong,, wouldn't be the first time... grin.gifgrin.gif

With Dale Jr.'s marketing value, I would venture to say that this matter will be resolved withing the family...... I really don't see Jr. leaving DEI,, and this all could be just a good publicity rooting also.... wink.gifwink.gif

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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?

The reason I think Dale Sr. didn't have Dale Jr. as part owner of the company is because he didn't even have a contract with Jr. to drive for DEI in the first place. Jr. has said many, many times in interviews that until his father died, everything was handled for him and he dealt with DEI with a handshake with his father. Then his sister Kelly had to assume responsibility for his business side and make sure he wasn't getting screwed over by T-Rex. I think she would be stupid to not give him at least part ownership of the #8 car and some of his own dealings as Hendrick did for Gordon and Johnson. She needs to understand that by giving him part ownership in DEI, she is investing his future with the company that much deeper and he'll have that much more commitment in what he does for his part of the company. It will save her in the long run of dealings and form a more solid base of fans. If you want to know the truth, I think she should give part ownership to all of Sr.'s kids as a token of good faith and because that's what Sr. wanted in the first place. What's she going to do if JR. Motorsports takes off and Jr. just drives his own car and takes away the Bud sponsorship along with the guys running the shops and the crews he has and all those endorsement dollars she gets from his namesake? He doesn't have to go to RCR unless he just wants to drive the #3. RCR said they have a seat with his name already on it....Literally! Maybe he should shop around and get this business over with. DEI will fold in a heartbeat because the fans will leave as fast as the GarageMahal will let them out the doors. She'll also affect the business within Moorseville, NC because people not only come to see where Sr. is memorialized but where Jr. still calls home. I can almost guarantee you Jr. will move to Alabama and establish a business there if he leaves. T-Rex needs to pull back the claws a little bit and think about what she could lose. I mean, she's screwing over the one person she ought to hang onto with all her business savvy instincts.

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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?

Let's see if we can break this down alittle,, and look at the business side of this discussion NOT the fan side of it.... wink.gif


The reason I think Dale Sr. didn't have Dale Jr. as part owner of the company is because he didn't even have a contract with Jr. to drive for DEI in the first place.

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Who's stupidity was that ?? and I pose the question once again,,, why is it that Sr. didn't include Jr. in the company ?? Maybe Sr. had a fore-thought on this and this is why Jr. or none of his siblings have a foothold on the DEI Comapny.. smirk.gif

Now that Treasea owns the company she wants a contract that protects her,, as a business person. So if Jr. is taking exception to that,, who's got the problem really ?? This is a business thing not a family thing.... wink.gif


I think she would be stupid to not give him at least part ownership of the #8 car and some of his own dealings as Hendrick did for Gordon and Johnson.

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#1 .. Any and all of Gordons intrests in Hendrick Motorsports were bought and paid for by him... It wasn't just handed over to him FREE and clear.... and as for Johnson, he's nothing more than a paid driver with NO controlling intrest in JG Interprises or Hendrick Motorsports,, tho he may be a well paid driver (Johnson)... grin.gifgrin.gif

I personally don't see where Jr. is intitled to a dime of the DEI Corparation, he was/is an employee and nothing more now that his dad is gone...


I think she should give part ownership to all of Sr.'s kids as a token of good faith and because that's what Sr. wanted in the first place

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As I said before,,, if Sr. wanted this in the first place he would have made sure this was taken care of in his will ... Right along with the rest of his estate.

Why is it an assumption that Sr. wanted Jr. or any other of the siblings to any intrest in DEI ?? Just because he/ they are his kids ?? I think NOT just look at some of Sr's past statements about his children,,, he himself has stated many times that if they want something from life they can work for it and earn it.... I will always be there to help but NOT give... smirk.gifsmirk.gif

Guess, we as NASCAR fans will just have wait and see how this one plays out... wink.gif

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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?

Think about it....If it really came down to it, I'm sure Junior could afford to start his own race team if he needed to. And I'm pretty sure Eury JR and the rest of his crew would go with him as well as well as his Budweiser sponsorship. And if he did leave, DEI would collapse.

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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?


DEI would collapse.

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Collaspe as a race team maybe ( other great potential drivers out there that could save the day),, but as a museum to the legacey of the greatest driver to ever wheel a race car,,,, NEVER....DEI will always exist to the true DEI fan... wink.gif

Now as for this sponser thing,,, I read somewhere (not too long ago) but can't find it at the moment, the Budwieser had NO intentions of following Jr. to another race team.... wink.gifwink.gif but we know we all can take that with a grain of salt.. grin.gifwink.gif

And I agree Jr. has more than enough assets to start his own race team,,, and I for one would love to see just how successful that venture would truely be..... wink.gifwink.gif If he succeded in being successful he sure would drop alot of jaws and shut alot of mouths out there now wouldn't he... grin.gifgrin.gif

But I truely think this is all a media front to draw in publicity and nothing more...JMHO

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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?


Think about it....If it really came down to it, I'm sure Junior could afford to start his own race team if he needed to. And I'm pretty sure Eury JR and the rest of his crew would go with him as well as well as his Budweiser sponsorship. And if he did leave, DEI would collapse.

[/ QUOTE ]Eury jr signed a long term contract with DEI last season so I don't think he will go anytime soon.

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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?



Think about it....If it really came down to it, I'm sure Junior could afford to start his own race team if he needed to. And I'm pretty sure Eury JR and the rest of his crew would go with him as well as well as his Budweiser sponsorship. And if he did leave, DEI would collapse.

[/ QUOTE ]Eury jr signed a long term contract with DEI last season so I don't think he will go anytime soon.

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Since when did contracts mean anything in any sport?? If they can make more money somehwere else it doesnt mean diddly squat. Earnardt JR is a good driver but not the best driver. But with the Earnhardt name, he has the world in his hands. What kind of publicity would Budweiser get if Joe Nemecek , Morgan Shapard, or Johnny Benson drove their car?? NOT MUCH!!! I'm pretty sure Budweiser will do anything they can to stay with Jr.

And Luke, how do you figure DEI wouldn't collpapse without JR?????? Who else do they have that is competitive???? confused.gif

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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?

I'm not sure about a complete collpapse Nick not that it couldn't happen, but Im pretty sure theirs other drivers out their that could/ and can be just as competative as Jr., seems to me all he has going for him at the moment is, his name sake of the Earnardt name. ( Like I said before I could be wrong)

As for Anhieser Busch, they are pretty big themselfs and pretty adventurous in other sports so if it cam down to a spouting off match I don't think they would hesitate to tell Jr. or any other driver to take a hike... smirk.gif and I'm real sure a team like Hendrick would love to have that sponsership.... grin.gif

Doe's Jr. have all of the negotiating ground ??? I'm not 100% convinced of that just yet... Why else would Treasa (sp) be so willing to challange Jr. if see did have a position to stand on.... wink.gifwink.gif

It's definately one interesting debate tho... and I'd love to be a fly on the wall of the conference room where these disscussions are taking place.... grin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?

I honestly don't think Jr. will realize his full potential until he leaves DEI or some MAJOR changes are made there. The name of the company is Dale Earnhardt, Inc, Not Theresa Earnhardt, Inc. or Dale Earnhardt, Jr., Inc.. In my opinion DEI died with Senior. I agree Junior needs to start his own team, and he needs to leave both Eury's behind and start fresh. His talent is being wasted with a subpar organization. Perhaps even a partnership with RCR. JMHO

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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?

I think Luke is crazy if he assumes Budweiser would ever stay with DEI if Jr. asked them to follow him to another team. He is the most popular driver for how many years in a row? You are the one not separating being a fan of Hendrick and business. If you have a driver that drives your car around the track and sells your product better than anyone in the history of nascar, then why would you have any reason to stay with a company without that salesman? I think we would see DEI go the way of RYR has in the past few years. DEI has a stallion in it's stables and Jr. can pull any wagon in nascar. I think his best move would be to either stay with DEI for one more year and then switch to RCR or get a stake in his driving for his daddy's company. T-Rex is only there by fact of marrying Sr. She wasn't his blood relative and if you can't see that Sr. loved his kids by helping them out (which is why he founded Chance 2 Racing) then you don't follow Nascar as much as you say. Jr. has earned his right to drive for DEI as much as Johnson has for Hendrick or Burton has for RCR or any other driver. And Johnson does have an investment with Hendrick as part of him buying into it. Maybe Jr. is trying to negotiate part ownership of DEI as part of his contract. That's how negotiations go. He gives a little in pay and she gives a little in ownership. I know that if my father whose namesake I bear had a business and I worked for that business, then I'd expect a little ownership as part of my services for that same company. It's only natural. It's the best way to secure him as a driver in the future. If he announced that he would leave DEI tomorrow, Stock in DEI would drop to the bottom and investors would be lined up to support Jr.'s company even at the risk of losing millions of dollars. You probably think that's stupid reasoning, but they would have millions to gain. From what I hear at the track, T-Rex is not exactly loved by her employees and the only reason they do stay is out of either loyalty for the Earnhardt's or for the chance of a championship any time now. Not to mention the prestige of working for the most popular racing team in Nascar. Not bad to have on a resume. I think it's a matter of time before either T-Rex gives some control over to Jr. or he goes to where he can be part owner in his own car such as RCR. Only two places he can call home. BUD WILL FOLLOW JR. They'd be crazy not to. Now break this down!!!

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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?


I think Luke is crazy if he assumes Budweiser would ever stay with DEI if Jr. asked them to follow him to another team. He is the most popular driver for how many years in a row? You are the one not separating being a fan of Hendrick and business. If you have a driver that drives your car around the track and sells your product better than anyone in the history of nascar, then why would you have any reason to stay with a company without that salesman? I think we would see DEI go the way of RYR has in the past few years. DEI has a stallion in it's stables and Jr. can pull any wagon in nascar. I think his best move would be to either stay with DEI for one more year and then switch to RCR or get a stake in his driving for his daddy's company. T-Rex is only there by fact of marrying Sr. She wasn't his blood relative and if you can't see that Sr. loved his kids by helping them out (which is why he founded Chance 2 Racing) then you don't follow Nascar as much as you say. Jr. has earned his right to drive for DEI as much as Johnson has for Hendrick or Burton has for RCR or any other driver. And Johnson does have an investment with Hendrick as part of him buying into it. Maybe Jr. is trying to negotiate part ownership of DEI as part of his contract. That's how negotiations go. He gives a little in pay and she gives a little in ownership. I know that if my father whose namesake I bear had a business and I worked for that business, then I'd expect a little ownership as part of my services for that same company. It's only natural. It's the best way to secure him as a driver in the future. If he announced that he would leave DEI tomorrow, Stock in DEI would drop to the bottom and investors would be lined up to support Jr.'s company even at the risk of losing millions of dollars. You probably think that's stupid reasoning, but they would have millions to gain. From what I hear at the track, T-Rex is not exactly loved by her employees and the only reason they do stay is out of either loyalty for the Earnhardt's or for the chance of a championship any time now. Not to mention the prestige of working for the most popular racing team in Nascar. Not bad to have on a resume. I think it's a matter of time before either T-Rex gives some control over to Jr. or he goes to where he can be part owner in his own car such as RCR. Only two places he can call home. BUD WILL FOLLOW JR. They'd be crazy not to. Now break this down!!!

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Forget it.... if you can't bring yourself to the FACT that Dale Jr. doesn't own DEI... then all of the debating in the world isn't going to do any good... wink.gif


You are the one not separating being a fan of Hendrick and business.

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And I have NO clue as to where that statement came from .... crazy.gifcrazy.gif I think I've been very fair and objective with my statements and analisys of the situation... smirk.gif

Like it or not,, the lady is in control and not Jr.... is that a good thing ?? Guess we'll see here in the near future........But attacking me isn't going to change a single thing... wink.gif

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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?


Like it or not,, the lady is in control and not Jr.... is that a good thing ??

[/ QUOTE ] I have to disagree Luke. The only thing she has over Junior is ownership of the company. Junior has control as to rather hes going to stay or not. He stays= more money for DEI, he leaves= a big crash for DEI. I dont care how good or how bad he is. The only thing that matters is he is without a boudt the most popular driver on the circuit. Being the most popular driver means he sells the most merchandise and he gets the most time in the spotlight, which means DEI gets recognition for owning his ride. BowJoe makes some good points. Think about all the JR fans. When you see a fan wearing a JR shirt or see a JR fan on the freeway, whats the first thing you see and think of? BUDWEISER! Excellent advertisement. Without Jr DEI would crash and Budweiser would be stupid not to go with him.

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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?

We are talking about the company of DEI,,, and ownership... last I knew was Tresea was in control,, not Jr.... And I didn't say that was a bad thing, and I didn't say it was a good thing... what I said was we'll see... so there wasn't anything to disagree with... wink.gif

Stay or Leave ,, we'll have to see what pans out in the near future... wink.gifwink.gif

It's just too bad that the inner family fighting just may bring down a great thing in DEI.... frown.gif which will hurt NASCAR all the way around....IMHO

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