Could Junior leave DEI?


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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?

But Luke, you did say it and have always said it because of your dislike of Jr. I mean, I don't like Gordon or Johnson but I respect Hendrick and his organization. You do hack on the fact that he's not owner and that you don't think he should have a say in his own destiny. I think any person that carries the load he has since his father died and even before he died, is a lot to expect of a person and to perform as well as he has shows he's carried the load very well. He's planning his future right now and he is showing an interest in staying where he's at to prolong the growth and dynasty of DEI. Why shouldn't he have an ownership in the company? I think it shows a great deal of maturity for him to hold off signing to get a ground base for his future and not just the millions he makes every year. He even said it's not about the money. He just wants to be a part of what his father started not T-Rex. I think that's smart and if she loses him then that shows her business ingnorance and the biggest mistake of her life business-wise. It's just a matter of oppinion with me but I think it would be a real travesty if he left his father's company to drive for a rival because of greed on her part, not his. Face it, they're both set for life, why is she holding on to it so hard? Is it out of hatred for him?

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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?


bring down a great thing in DEI.... frown.gif which will hurt NASCAR all the way around....IMHO

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I know you won't like to hear this, but...

No one would really care if Hendrick cars would leave NASCRAP. I don't think attendence/fans would be effected that much. However, a huge amout of NASCRAP's fan base would leave if there were no DEI/Dale Jr.

Dale Jr will be signed with DEI by July.

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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?


I agree Junior needs to start his own team, and he needs to leave both Eury's behind and start fresh.

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Remember what happened last time he tried to drive without a Eury as crew cheif? As soon as Eury Jr became crew cheif in late 2005 it was like a switch had flipped.

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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?


No one would really care if Hendrick cars would leave NASCRAP. I don't think attendence/fans would be effected that much.

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Are you crazy? I am most definitely not a Hendrick fan, but I acknowledge the fact that Gordon and Johnson are amond the top-5 most popular drivers in the sport, and them leaving Hendrick would cause a huge fallout, maybe not quite to the level of Jr/DEI, but close.

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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?

Here's my 2 cents.

I am a Junior fan,I'm one of those guys that migrated over after Senior was gone.I'm with Chrud-JR. would sign with RCR pretty quickly.I think he's still a few years away from winning a cup championship.

I doubt that JR. leaving would cause DEI to shut it's doors,even if Bud left with him.Look how many other teams are still thriving that don't have JR. driving for them.Most top cup teams don't seem to have a problem finding sponsors,and I don't think DEI would have much of a problem.

JR. and Theresa never seemed to get along all that well when SR. was alive,so I kinda figured he would leave eventually.No doubt it's a pretty tough situation for both of them.We'll have to wait and see.

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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?

BowJoe,, I never said I disliked Jr. ,,, infact its quite the opposite. Jr. is going to be a Champion in NASCAR, and I don't see that being that far off in the future either..... but the fact remains,,, he doesn't own DEI,, Why is that ?? This is what I don't understand.... If Sr. entended it to be so,, why wasn't it done on paper as many other things were ??

Do I think Treasea deserves to be sole owner,,, not by what she has shown us in the last few years,, but that still doesn't change the fact that she doe's....

But there's still that fact that remains Jr,still hasn't produced that ever so covented CHAMPIONSHIP that everyone seems to hold so high and mighty....

He's like my Buffalo Bills,,, they were the dominate force in the east in the early 90's but just couldn't produce that darn Super Bowl victory they desperately so needed to be considered a Dynasty....

Is greed apart of Treasea's madness ??? I would safely venture to say YES it is.... She's worried that she's going to be pushed out of DEI by Jr. if he happens to get a foothold in the ownership of DEI...

Do I think it's wrong for Jr. to better his position in DEI,, Not on your life, he should be doing exactly what he's doing ,, it's only good business, and just maybe like you have mentioned necessary for his legacey... wink.gif

And Matt,, you say that Hendrick wouldn't be missed in Nascar,,, I think you're dead wrong, but our opinions are what make us fans,,, it shouldn't make us enemies,, just remember this little fact,,, we don't make one shiney dime of a single race the win or lose.... wink.gifwink.gif

Do I dislike Jr. heck NO,,, he's one heck of a talent behind the wheel,,, it's just that Im a Gordon fan, and we will always have these heated debates about our favorite drivers.... wink.gif

We just need to remember to keep our witts about ourselfs,, and remember we are just fans, and only gain bragging rights that will come and go like the wind.... wink.gifwink.gif

Like we've said many times already,,, we'll just have to wait and see what unfolds in this little saga... wink.gifwink.gif

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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?

1. Who Cares (personally I don't think he will Leave)

Money has taken the Loyality Out of All $port$,

not just NASCAR

A Few Points

2. If we all Agreed on everything,

there would be no need for this Forum or any other.

3. Please respect the comments/opinions of

everyone else in this forum.

(it gets ugly in a hurry here sometimes)

Some days I wonder if the




I hope they (RT) aren't thinking that.

but we should all keep that in mind.

I enjoy Most of the discussions here &

hope to keep contributing in the future.

Some times it's hard to contain ourselves,

Don't I know it.

Think if this were the Jerry Springer Show

& People are Arguing all the time.

I'm going to find something else to do/watch!

I have better things to do, as I'm sure you all do too,

Than Listen to people fight, argue & slam others.

Enough from me,

As I said above,

I Hope RT Continues this forum for years to come.

Stephen wink.gif

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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?



No one would really care if Hendrick cars would leave NASCRAP. I don't think attendence/fans would be effected that much.

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Are you crazy? I am most definitely not a Hendrick fan, but I acknowledge the fact that Gordon and Johnson are amond the top-5 most popular drivers in the sport, and them leaving Hendrick would cause a huge fallout, maybe not quite to the level of Jr/DEI, but close.

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There would be a fallout, but I don't think it would be that noticeable. You know who else is usually in the top-5 for popularity...Michelle Waltrip. What does that tell you? 24 and 48 are popular, but together they aren't half as big as the Junior following.

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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?




No one would really care if Hendrick cars would leave NASCRAP. I don't think attendence/fans would be effected that much.

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Are you crazy? I am most definitely not a Hendrick fan, but I acknowledge the fact that Gordon and Johnson are amond the top-5 most popular drivers in the sport, and them leaving Hendrick would cause a huge fallout, maybe not quite to the level of Jr/DEI, but close.

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There would be a fallout, but I don't think it would be that noticeable. You know who else is usually in the top-5 for popularity...Michelle Waltrip. What does that tell you? 24 and 48 are popular, but together they aren't half as big as the Junior following.

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LOL... HAHAHAHA.... Matt dude you crack me up.... grin.gifgrin.gif

Man - O - Man I can't wait until season start... grin.gifwink.gif

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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?

I love these discussions. I don't feel any dislike to VH and I am positive he doesn't feel any towards me. The debates get heated but this is my campfire and a toast of the cans and a final goodnight sets everything right.

That being said, you compare Buffalo to Jr. but how about Gentleman Mark Martin. He never won the cup yet he's regarded as a champion. He just left Rousche because he wouldn't comply with a simple request. Kinda makes you think.

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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?


That being said, you compare Buffalo to Jr. but how about Gentleman Mark Martin. He never won the cup yet he's regarded as a champion. He just left Rousche because he wouldn't comply with a simple request. Kinda makes you think.

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Rare exception to every rule..... grin.gifwink.gif

Naaa,, there's NO ill will here,, as I said I don't make one dime from any of these drivers or team owners ... wink.gif

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Re: Could Junior leave DEI?


Besides, Who would the Jr. Fans BOO confused.gifconfused.gifconfused.gif

if there were NO Hendrick Cars!!!!!!!!

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Probably no one. It isn't just Junior fans that boo Hendrick. Hendrick cars were being booed long before Junior started racing in Cup.

The boos are from the Wonder Boy, not necessarily from Junior fans. smirk.gif If there were no Junior fans, you'd still hear the boos. wink.gif

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