Buying a gun on-line


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I have my eyes on a rifle that is for sale on-line at . I have always wanted one of these guns and I believe the only way I can get this older gun is to buy from a gun auction site.

Those of you who have bought guns from auction sites like GunBroker or GunsAmerica, could you please give me some suggestions. What are some things that I need to do before I bid? Do have any helpful hints before I buy a gun from someone I have never met?



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Re: Buying a gun on-line

Its lying there....I haven't had any troubles yet. I only bought one gun and sold two. Every transaction went smooth and no issues at all.

All I can say is read feedback from the everything in the description carefully (twice) and go with your gut. Sorry that isn't much help...but usally your insticts don't lie. I've only ever dealt with I'm not sure how Gunamerica is set up.

BTW, what kind of gun you looking at?

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Re: Buying a gun on-line

I have bought a few guns off of an auction site in the past and have not had any problems. I would ask for photos, an accurate description, and the sellers phone number. If you can't call and speak with them, I would think twice about the deal. Remember that you will be paying shipping, your FFL's cost of the transfer, and the background check with your local FFL. Just do a little homework before hand and you should be ok. Good luck to you.

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Re: Buying a gun on-line

I've bought quite a few and never had any problems. The rules have changed recently so that your FFL holder can fax a copy of his/her license to the seller and that will help speed things up a little.

Make sure that you get a Phone # from the seller and speak with them directly. Most of the sellers are shop owners trying to increase sales and they are very cooperative and have played the game before, so they can help you with any questions.

I've never bought a used gun off the web. Just a little too much risk involved. With new guns however, it's the same as going to a dealer. The warranty is assumed by the manufacturer. With a used gun, you can look at pics all day, but it's still sight unseen.

Best of luck, watch out though, it's addictive.


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Re: Buying a gun on-line

I have bought plenty of used guns over the web. Both from auction sites & from private parties through classified sections on sites like this. Things I insist on are 1. Talk to the person on the phone first 2. Make sure they can provide pictures. I had one guy that was dragging his feet on sending pictures. I just walked away from the deal. If they can not send pictures.....they may not even have the gun.

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Re: Buying a gun on-line

I have bought a number online. Lots of good information above. I look at the Feedback. I like to see a good number of sales and no (or VERY FEW) negatives. If they have any negatives I'll go in and read each one. How they responded is probably just as important as what the complaint was. If I'm not happy with the seller's feedback, regardless of the gun, I'll move on. I also find that emailing the seller early and often is a very good way to get a feel for the dependability of the seller. It's also important for you to have your ducks in order. Have an FFL dealer already picked out so once you've won your auction you can get the paperwork going, and your payment on the way. I always factor in the $15-$25 shipping fee, as well as the $27 FFL Transfer fee into my budget for the gun. The price of the gun itself is only part of the transaction. By the way I've never had any problems with any of my purchases. Probably the only complaint I may have is that the gun arrives needing a very good cleaning.

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