What did you want to be?

Guest Andrea

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What did you wanna be when you "grew up"?? I started out wanting to be a vet. Then an artist, then an orthodontist. Actually was enrolled in the Art Institute of Atlanta, but wound up going to a community college and getting married. smirk.gif

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Re: What did you want to be?

I started off wanting to be a Veterinarian did a lot of volunteer work I also used to obedience/agility train dogs for awhile, too. Then it changed to Naturalist and I took several trips with some local Naturalists watching them do their work and helping here and there with their work. Then I went to web/graphic designer and I've been a freelancer specializing in web/graphic design and multiple other internet and computer related freelance work ever since. I still would like to eventually get into Wildlife Management, just not in this state.

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Re: What did you want to be?


A Conservation Officer. That was until I found out how much time they get to deer hunt. grin.gif

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Yep, exactly my dream... and they started off making half of what I make now per year. After the WCO idea, I went on to get a sponsor (Rep. Murtha) to get into Naval Academy to fly fighters. Turned out I needed an SAT score near 1400, which I didn't get by a little bit... So I ditched that idea and went to college for safety science. Graduated a little over a year ago, and have been at work for the past year in the field.

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Re: What did you want to be?

a vet for a lil while, then a biologist........ but things happen..All i know is things happen for a reason and God has me exactly where he needs me and i am so blessed and wouldnt change a second of it... My boss is a biologist/Land Manager so i work closely to the field i wanted...i get to do the fun stuff, like my newest adventure...trapping turkeys ....and they get to do the paperwork after , lol.......i havent trapped any tukeys yet, we're going to do it in Feb. March, just hens are being fitted with lil transmitters....i'll get pics smile.gif

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Re: What did you want to be?

I wanted to be a vet, then before college wanted to ba an Athletic Trainer - still do. They took the major though out of the college curriculum so I became an Outdoor Ed. major. Still would like to be an Athletic Trainer or have some type of medica training, but I wouldn't mind working in a state park or better yet working as a fishing/hunting guide or something along those lines.

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Re: What did you want to be?

More then anything I wanted to be a pilot. The Airforce wouldn't take me due to a heart condition as a child. So I had enrolled in school in St. Louis to be a flight attendant. The floods hit Iowa and I couldn't make it to St. Louis for orientation and oddly enough that same week I realize how important my family and Steve was to me, so I gave up my registration deposit and stayed in Iowa. I still love to fly and really wish I could do it more.

Now I am thinking it would be really neat to be a elementary school teacher. I love kids and I enjoy hearing the stories my teacher friends tell. Since now isn't the time to quit my job and go to school, I settle for volunteering all I can at my girl's schools.

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Guest Loves_To_Hunt458

Re: What did you want to be?

I really want to be a vet because I absolutly love animals and my friend and I are thinking about volunteering at our local humane society grin.gif

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Re: What did you want to be?

Always wanted to be a nurse. When I was 5 years old I had a bad kidney infection and had to be in the hospital for a few days on an IV and Antibiotics. I had a nurse that sat by my bedside for hours holding my hand because I was scared. I vowed then that I wanted to be a nurse so I could help others the way she helped me.

Want to know something ironic. The hospital that I was in as a child was changed into a nursing home. I now work in that nursing home as Staff Development Coordinator.

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Re: What did you want to be?

I have no idea what i want to be always said i wanted to drive the trash truck.grin.gif I have high goals set for myself. But really i have no idea other than that i always said i would own a farm and a couple hundred cattle and hunt deer as much as i could. Just if i could find a job to let me do that minus the couple hundred cattle to less than that.lol

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest BuckeyeGirl

Re: What did you want to be?

I had wanted to be a vet...then an art teacher...then a horse trainer (went to the University of Findlay for that)...then I graduated with an Animal Science degree form Wilmington College...and now I am a Corrections Officer-hahaha. grin.gif

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