Gun Cleaning Kits??


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I'm looking for a quality gun cleaning kit. I bought a universal kit from Walmart and that thing was a piece of junk so I took it back! I'm mostly looking for a universal kit. So I was wondering what you all use and any reccomendations on what I should get? I have Hoppes Shotgun cleaning kit and am impressed with the quality but I can't really find a unversal kit by Hoppes for rifles.

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Re: Gun Cleaning Kits??

How about this one?

My cleaning kit consists of a 2 sided Plano tacklebox, a dozen brushes in each of my calibers, a bag of each size of HD patches, a bottle of Sweets 7.62, a can of Kroil, a tub of J-B Bore Cleaner, a bottle of Shooter's Choice solvent, Dewey jags in the calibers I shoot, a set of plated jags for copper solvent, a few home made rod guides, and of course Dewey coated rods in .17, .22, and .30 caliber.

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Re: Gun Cleaning Kits??

Check out the kits made by Otis Technologies. They are top quality and reasonable. The US Army is buying kits from them for the war in Iraq. They are made in the USA in a brand new state of the art facility in Lyons Falls NY.

The lady who owns the co. [ and founded it ] is active in our QDMA Branch. The factory is about 40 miles from my home.

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