01/11/07 Pictures


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I figured I'd post these in here too since I posted them in my journal. I went out today for a ride through the country to look for bucks and deer to photograph and found a few other critters that were willing to have their pictures taken. I did eventually find some deer, but no bucks. Just 3 does and a yearling doe. I got a picture of the biggest doe and one the other does as she was fleeing my presence.
















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Re: 01/11/07 Pictures


Cool pics!! That first duck picture with the mallards, the drake is a cross-breed. I'm just not sure what he's cross-bread with?!! smile.gif Again, great pics. Keep-em coming! smile.gif

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I believe he's a Mallard-Muscovy Hybrid or Mallard-Black Duck Hybrid. There was two of them there when I photographed the gulls and ducks. One just kept illuding the camera anytime I pointed it at him he would swim back away. The one that I didn't photograph lacked the white spot on the neck like this one had, but had the same dark body and green head from what I could tell in the water. We have black ducks and domestic Muscovy ducks around, so it's a toss up which of the two they are mixed with.

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Re: 01/11/07 Pictures


They sure know where it's safe eh. Who says deer can't read grin.gif Nice pics

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Yep I'm convinced they can read the signs! lol They were fine with me with the car door open taking pictures. The moment my foot touched the ground outside the car they all bolted right behind the signs into the woods a little ways then all stopped and stared at me for a few minutes and I left them alone and moved on.

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