When to start scouting...


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Just wondering when you all start scouting turkeys? I think I might be traveling to state land this year but i'm not sure when I should start scouting? I'll probably try to get andy to go with me to some state land about a half hour from here since he's been there and said there was alot of sign. the few turkeys that are on the land near my house that I hunt, I haven't seen them at all. so if I even get a jake to come in on state land, that would be a prize in itself! Thanks for any input!

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Re: When to start scouting...


I ussually start scouting approx a month before opener. I find the turkeys don't break out of their winter flocks until near then so it is hard to patern them, until then. Ussually the last two weeks before is when I get my best info as to their location and numbers!

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Ditto!!! smirk.gif

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Re: When to start scouting...

We normally go up a couple days earlier than the season starts and scout those days out as quietly and undetected by the birds as possible. We used to go a week earlier, but found the birds don't fully get out of their winter routines until just before the opener of the season and that it was too easy for a bird to be disturbed by hikers through the park in the off season and resulting in the bird changing their pattern to get away from certain hiking trails. We know the general area the birds are in every year, so it's never hard to pick back up on them a few days before and plan out an attack. Once the first couple days of the season pass forget patterning the birds here, they get so pushed all over the place they stop their normal routines completely almost by the beginning of the second week of the season and become very call shy. The bird I hunted last year second week of the season's normal strut zone was over 1,000 yards away from where he changed to by the second week from pressure he ended up flying over a forestry fence and strutting inside it to get away from the hunters.

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Re: When to start scouting...

Ok, so probably April I'll start scouting since season starts May 1. And I'll hopefully have a friend to take along:) She has her license, wants to go turkey hunting. she's moving down to PA middle of May so I'm hoping I can help her get a turkey (and me to,lol) So how do you know where to look though ,especially on new land? Ridges? Fields? Different slopes?

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Re: When to start scouting...

Pretty much already been covered. Yep. grin.gif

I scout year 'round for general location info. But I won't do any serious recon until about 2-3 weeks prior to hammertime. By then, do your scouting from woods roads, powerlines, gaslines or back dirt roads. You can hear them then. Don't have to look. wink.gif

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Re: When to start scouting...

never to soon to start that. The birds are in winter mode now but if your lucky you might see a flock of long beards to get you pumped up. I hunt in NY for the first 10 days of the season. I then hunt in my home state of CT for the rest of the season. my farm has a flock of about 40 birds that float around the area its fun to watch the way they act. you can learn a lot from watching and listening.

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Guest WVstrutter

Re: When to start scouting...

year round for me also, but when they break up and go into spring mode that's the time to pattern them.

Good huntin' turkeygirl! travis

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Re: When to start scouting...

TG I usually start at April 1st on the state land here. I hit the woods nearly every morning just listening and watching for the birds movements after flydown. It is important not to call at this time, it doesn't take long for them to wisen up. If you and Andy are going to be hunting down this way, let us know my buddy Larry and I can help show you two around.


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