O/U versus Side by Side


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Re: O/U versus Side by Side

The trend is definately o/u guns, no question. Look at how many manufacturers offer sxs guns vs how many have o/u guns. The sxs guns are nostalgic. Not that they can not be good guns and do the job, but they do have drawbacks.

Some of the drawbacks are:

POI Regulation. Depending on how good you are at wing shooting, you may or may not notice that one barrel shoots left and the other shoots to the right.

With todays turkey loads its easier to get o/u guns to hit the same place than a sxs and still be a nice looking gun.

Obstructed View. The sxs barrels take up a lot more visual space when you are swinging on a target. As any good wingshooter will tell you, you swing and lock your eyes on the target and squeeze the trigger. You can be distracted by this fat OO in your way. The o/u guns will give the same view as any single barreled gun.

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Re: O/U versus Side by Side

love my browning citori... had to replace the locking block after 30k to 40k rounds (use to shoot a lot of competition skeet) - only problem i've ever had with it

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