New Year Resolution?


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Re: New Year Resolution?

Yep, I'm on the health band wagon too.

Ive been going to the Gym for years but Ive been really, really lax this year. I'm starting back in January and I cant wait!

I'm 5'-8" (roughly). I'm up to 190lbs right now. I still have a 32" waste but I want to shed some body fat and get back into the 185lb range. I need to loose 15lbs of fat and put on 10lbs of muscle. Its very doable but Ive got to hit it hard.

I also want to get my bench back over 250lbs and my squat back to around 400lbs. My knees are on a down hill slope so I'm not sure how that will work out.

By the end of January I will be running 2 miles 3-times a week, 1-mile 4-times a week, and in the gym 3-times a week. I have my program ready! I cant wait!


To Be able to bench 275 By the fourth of July.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ever do the "Gain 50lbs or more on your bench press," by Bill Phillips? Its a great routine. He had put it in several publications of his (Muscle Media,, and his Sports Supplement Review). I'm not sure whether he put it in Body For Life or not.

Its a split/ pyramid workout routine. It will have you benching 20lbs less then normal but when you are told to move up its pretty easy. There is a stress test you take every two weeks (or something like that). You'll be amazed how well it works.

Ive never actually put 50lbs on my bench but getting 20 is very realistic, even if you've plateaued at any given point. Its not a building exercise, more of a gaining exercise. You're only suppose to do it every so often to meet gains. Once you've reached your goal (at the end of the Routine) you have to work out at the weight for a couple of months before trying it again. Otherwise your body cant keep up and the gains will be less and less.

Let me know if you're interest and I will dig up a copy for you. Its a great workout but it has to be followed to a tee.


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