Ice Storm no electric


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Re: Ice Storm no electric

Ours went out here in Adair around 9:00pm and came back on around 4:00am. There are still alot of peopl around that don't have power. My wife's mom lives over at Disney/Tiawana and they've been without power since last night. And some of Pryor are still without also.

We have a big fireplace so we don't have to worry much except for BOREDOOOOM crazy.gifconfused.gif

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Re: Ice Storm no electric

Anyone using a generator, remember the exhaust is deadly [ carbon monoxide ] Make sure it is running outdoors and away from any openings into the home.

We have had a couple ice storms here in recent years and had some folks get really sick from fumes. Also had a couple die from this. Be careful.

Best of luck to all, be safe!

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Re: Ice Storm no electric

Well PSO had our electric back on for 3-4 hours today but we just had some freezing rain turning to sleet and the power just went off again.The outages were spotty this morning but now alot of homes are out of power.We are supposed to see another wave of freezing rain tomorrow. mad.gif

My parents have wood stoves so at least we will be warm.

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Re: Ice Storm no electric

I should have mentioned, be careful if you are using a computer while powering your home on a generator. Voltage spikes and variances can ruin a computer fast. They generally recommend a brushless generator when running electronic equipment.

We were without power 16 days in '98 and learned a few do's and don'ts.

If you have a question, ask a qualified electrician for advice. Better safe than sorry!

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Re: Ice Storm no electric


blush.gif Will this plug in surge protecter help?

[/ QUOTE ]

The surge protector will help. However people seem to want to overload the output of the generator. The common units are around 5500 watts. When you overload the voltage can be drawn down to dangerous levels. Especially if you have the unit wired in to run the whole house as many up here do now. Everything seems fine until a refrigerator, freezer or a well pump kicks on. Then the unit is overworked. We try to keep off as many appliances, lights ctc. as possible to help prevent this. We generally use coolers and unpack freezers and fridges. as much as possible. Finding ice in an ice storm isn't a problem. We disconnect outside lights [ motion activated ] or timed lights we don't really need. We never allow everyone to sleep at the same time. We always have someone to tend to the generator.

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Re: Ice Storm no electric

Wow! Good luck down there. Like Muff said, we got a VERY bad one in 1998 up here. We literally had between 5 and 7" of pure ice. We lost power for about a week here. Trees, power lines, and many buildings and vehicles were demolished. Here we are almost 10 years later and we can still see all the damaged trees around left from the ice storm. crazy.gifcrazy.gif

Hope your power is restored soon!

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