Set Up Improvments for 2005?


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Re: Set Up Improvments for 2005?

Im getting a Hoyt Xtec 05 or the new Vtec! Im getting it in Jan! I will check out the Mathews line but I know ill get hoyt!

Sights will be Spot Hogg Hogg-it!

Arrow rest- unsure! Then all the other goodies! Like peeps string leeches and stuff! Maybe a new release!

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Re: Set Up Improvments for 2005?

Everything on my New Alpine is brand new but want to improve a few things, such as a Whisker Bisquit Rest, Trophy Ridge 3pin Site( would love to hear from all on pin size reccommendations ) and a top quality caliper realease.

As to why I would swap out new accessories, because when I bought this stuff I knew nothing about it and bought cheap. The age old lesson buy quality and buy once.

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Re: Set Up Improvments for 2005?

VTH - I would HIGHLY recommend getting the .029 pins, especially for hunting.

Avoid the Guide Series sights, as they seem more suseptable to breakage - althought the replacement for mine has come through deer season well.

They are great sights, but like the Stealth Cams - have their quirks!

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Re: Set Up Improvments for 2005?

I would love to have a new bow but honestly I cant see why. Ive been shooting the same one for roughly 6 years and it still looks and operates like the day I bought it. Even though I would love a new toy I cant even begin to justify one.

I am however getting a new ML. I really want one. I had a new NEF ordered but it fell through and I ended up selling it. I'm now thinking a CVA Optima. You can now get the Nickle Plated one for just over $200.

Other then that I need new Cammos. Thats really about it. Dogdoc set me up with some 100grn Muzzy this year and I made the switch from Thunderheads. Not that I don't love thunder heads (they really are the sharpest on the market), I just love the way the Muzzy lock down. They will be on my arrows from now on.

I do have plans on picking up a new .223 for Varmint and doe hunting. I am actually suppose to get one for Christmas.... Only time will tell.

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Re: Set Up Improvments for 2005?

I am planning on small maintenance stuff... new string, cables and string dampeners for my legacy... other than that I will consider a new sight and arrow rest, with more of a consideration to the rest.

I'm sure my guy will suggest just upgrading to a new bow, if he has some real sweet deal I might consider it, but to be honest my Legacy is the best bow I've ever owned and I'm more interested in consistently killing deer than having the newest bow.

Other than that I do want to get set up this year for making my own arrows.

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