Smackdown Time!! (pics) Oneida man

Ravin R10 man

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Got in my stand this afternoon and had 11 does and one busted up 8 pt. Then this guy shows up an 11 pt. and walks right under my stand and stops slightly quartering away at 5 yards!! Im 30 feet up in my spruce... WHACK! Hit him on the right side 5 ribs from the back and came out under his left front legs. Lungs and heart! Wasp does it again. pass thru too. Oh ya...and in the snow...HELLO...are we talkin blood trail????

UBBCode: 4366bow_kill_04_2-med.jpg UBBCode: 4366bow_kill_04_3-med.jpg UBBCode: 4366bow_kill_04-med.jpg

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Re: Smackdown Time!! (pics) Oneida man

Just goes to show you, persistance sure pays off doesnt it.......what time of day did you get him....are they pretty much moving mid day to dark now...the mornings here are really cold, and activity has slowed.....great looking buck big guy....congrads on a hard earned trophy for the wall........he is a great looking

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