Kimber 84M Classic


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Re: Kimber 84M Classic

Awsome guns i have too well one and one on the way. I have the 84 classic in a 300 short mag and have a super america orderd if it ever gets here !!Been 7 weeks the guy told me it would probaly take 6. He was wrong i guess im thinking of giving it to my dad for his birthday. The man at the gun store gave me an awsome deal if i bought two the 84 shoots awsome i really like the straight line stock. The only down fall i have aginst them is the safty i dont like the winchester style takes a little to get use to since i dont own any other guns with that kind of saftey

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Re: Kimber 84M Classic

I don't have the classic but have the 84 Montana in 300WSM. Beuatiful rifle - light weight but to be honest - I have had to send it back to Kimber once for a bolt problem - tremendous service - turned it around in a week - but have been disappointed in the accuracy. I have yet to reload for it and have only shot 2 different brands of ammo and best groups I can get are about 2". They test fired it and sent along a .75" group when the returned it but I can't get it to shoot that well yet.

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