How much do you pay for leased hunting land?


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Re: How much do you pay for leased hunting land?

We lease 174 acres that has been awesome for deer hunting. It is'nt alot of land but it is layed out good and has alot of acreage around it that is not pressured. We pay a total of $2600 a year for access year round to hunt whatever and whenever we want. Also , we can carry guests. This is fairly cheap for the area we hunt, most places are charging $1200-$3500 a person.

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Re: How much do you pay for leased hunting land?

7000 acres in one ranch and we pay $25,000. The rancher has another 2000 acres about 30 miles down the road that we can hunt too, but we usually don't bother going down there unless someone gets really bored. Best part about our lease is that we have exclusive access and total control over the harvest. Right now, we're in the 5th year of a very agressive trophy management program.

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Guest anderson3

Re: How much do you pay for leased hunting land?

There is some timber company woodlands available in NW PA for $7 per acre...not sure what the details are. No crops, no food plots.

A client of mine leased 500 acres of prime hunting land (woods and crop land) for $10 per acre, but he threw the group out after a year because they did not shoot enough does. So it is back open to the public again.

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Re: How much do you pay for leased hunting land?

Fortunately I do not have to pay for hunting land access. I could conceivably access over 1,000,000 acres of land and have it basically to myself. That would mean doing a lot of travelling. That is one thing we have in Saskatchewan, an availability to a lot of land (and I mean a LOT!)

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Re: How much do you pay for leased hunting land?

Tim is right, we have access to A LOT of land. I guess my lease costs me, a couple bottles of whiskey, some chocolates at Christmas time and the occasional cup of coffee. I figure it's a pretty good deal for access to a pile of real good land.

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Re: How much do you pay for leased hunting land?


There is some timber company woodlands available in NW PA for $7 per acre...not sure what the details are. No crops, no food plots.

A client of mine leased 500 acres of prime hunting land (woods and crop land) for $10 per acre, but he threw the group out after a year because they did not shoot enough does. So it is back open to the public again.

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where in western PA??

PM details if you want

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Guest firejoe72544

Re: How much do you pay for leased hunting land?

i pay 1000.00 for 847 acres in GA. open access, cant bring any guest/hunters during turkey hunting, but open to anyne during seasons. we have a max of 9 members.

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Re: How much do you pay for leased hunting land?



I bought my own property-paid $800/acre.I can access the 440 acres that borders me for $45/per hunting season

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Man I wish I lived where you do in PA. Around here 5,000$ per acre is on the cheaper side.

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Geeze, $15,000 an acre around here is a steal!

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Re: How much do you pay for leased hunting land?

we lease 260 acres for $600.00 year there is 4 in our group.I have place closer to home 2,500. acres I hunt for free land owner don,t care to let people hunt but lot of people don,t know about it plus you need a 4 wheeler to hunt it its all mountains.

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Guest IL_HuNtIn_KiD

Re: How much do you pay for leased hunting land?

im not payin a dime next season...a lady that works for my mom owns 483 acres that hasnt been hunted the whole time hes owned it....which it 45 years.....i have exclusive access and can take people with if desired which means me n IllinoisArcher are gonna have all kinds of fun next season

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Re: How much do you pay for leased hunting land?



I bought my own property-paid $800/acre.I can access the 440 acres that borders me for $45/per hunting season

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Man I wish I lived where you do in PA. Around here 5,000$ per acre is on the cheaper side.

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I live in York Co. and the property is in Somerset Co.I may be selling it soon.It also has a small cabin on it

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Guest tarbaby

Re: How much do you pay for leased hunting land?

I have never payed to hunt a place and don't plan on it. I will drive miles to look and ask different landowners just so I dont. In my opinion, not to get anyone riled up, landowners should not charge for hunting rights. In most cases, the land that you are using doesnt get used for anything and your being there does not affect them much. I was at a Kansas Wildlife & Parks Deer Task Force Meeting over the summer and a lot of hunters were arguing to make it illegal to charge hunting rights, some even wanted to make large hunting operations illegal because here in KS a large percetage of our land is being cash leased out. Just my .02

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