Wildlife Tattoos??


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Re: Wildlife Tattoos??

Have some birds, a Parrot and Chinese bird of Paradise on my right arm with names dates of 3 sons and their birthdays in the middle of flowers on a scroll

( hand drawn, no flash, shoulder to elbow) BY Tattoo Seen and a dragon on my right calf. The arm work has

like 26 hours worth of inking on it. This work was done by a childhood friend 15 years ago who has taken his artwork to extrodinary levels. Here is the link to his shop.

Tattoo Seen

The Dragon on my leg was done by Chris Garver of Miami Ink fame. Back in '93 way before he was on TV. When that show was on the Learning channel, I saw it and said Hey...that guy did the dragon on my leg!

I have to see if I can find pics and post them .

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