TC Icon


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Re: TC Icon

I get SCI mag. and there is an article about the rifle. Author actually shot a deer twice in the same hole w/two different exits. T/C made a good product I hope it stays now that S.W. owns them.

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Re: TC Icon

I just read a view in this months Guns & Ammo. Looks pretty interesting and allot of good ideas. Suggested retail was $800 so I figure you should be able to pick one up for in the $5's. According to that article intial offerrings will be 22-250 - 243-308 and 30TC which is a new cartridge. I may have to have one in the 243 or 308. I jsut hope it is not like allot of the other manufacturers and take 2 years to get them in the market.

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Re: TC Icon

I too read the article in Guns and ammo. It sure is a nice looking gun that for sure.

All short action cartridges Hmmm. Most likely to keep the weight down.

That .30TC is supposed to have better ballistics than the 30-06. The rage continues with short fat cartridges.

This will probobly be the last of the T/C original guns now that S&W is in the soup.

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