ladders for fixed platform treestands

Guest firejoe72544

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Re: ladders for fixed platform treestands

I built a set a lot like this one for about $15 and really like it. I did make the steps go all the way accros.

These seem pretty cool, but I would think they would be a bit of a hassle because of all the parts. I could be wrong.

Here's a link to Cabela's climbing sticks. I think any of them would work fine.

I would not recomend the screw in type.

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Guest abster71

Re: ladders for fixed platform treestands

check out summits sticks their 17 ft versus normal 15 ft makes a big differeence they are also closed looped so your feet don't slip and if you miss the other steps can't hook you like the others that really hurts may be a little more money 59 to 69 dollars

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Guest tarbaby

Re: ladders for fixed platform treestands

Summit swifttree with a very light Loggy Bayou stand... I love the swifttree because of how the steps loop around and you feet cant slip off to the sides

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Guest realtrhunter

Re: ladders for fixed platform treestands

As far as manufactured ladders I use the Rapid Rails. They will slip down a little when you first put them on, but after the first time you step on them they are solid. For most of our stands we make ladders out of 3 2x4s. Cut one in 1ft pieces and screw them to the other two, on the 2" side.

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Re: ladders for fixed platform treestands


indianaboy, were is this rural king you speek of? never seen one in michigan.

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PAPA99, Rural king is kinda like your TSC. They do have a larger store with household items also though. I grew up in MI and now live in southern IN so i kinda had a chuckle when you said it cause it was what i said when someone asked if i had been to one. THey are pretty cool stores though.

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Re: ladders for fixed platform treestands

I use gorilla hang-on's and have been very pleased with them. I use screw in steps b/c o their versatilaty and relatively low cost. I would like to try the climbing sticks but the tallest they make are 20' and that would not be nearly enough. I know I could just add more sections but then you are also adding more cost. Maybe someday I'll find a smokin' deal on some sticks and get a chance to try them out.

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