S.F. to vote next year on plan to ban handguns!!!


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S.F. to vote next year on plan to ban handguns


By Lisa Leff

Associated Press

San Francisco residents will vote next year on a proposed weapons ban that would deny handguns to everyone except law enforcement officers, members of the military and security guards.

If passed next November, residents would have 90 days to give up firearms they keep in their homes or businesses. A gun owners' group dismissed the proposal as illegal.

The measure, submitted Tuesday to the Department of Elections by some city supervisors, would also prohibit the sale, manufacturing or distribution of handguns, and the transfer of gun licenses, said Bill Barnes, an aide to Supervisor Chris Daly.

Firearms would be allowed only for police officers, security guards, members of the military and anyone else ``actually employed and engaged in protecting and preserving property or life within the scope of his or her employment,'' according to the measure.

Barnes said Wednesday that the initiative is a response to the rising homicide rate and other social ills, noting: ``We think there is a wide benefit to limiting the number of guns in the city.''

Gun Owners of California, a Sacramento-based lobbying group, quickly called the ban illegal. Sam Paredes, the group's executive director, said state law bars local governments from usurping the state's authority to regulate firearms.

``The amazing thing is they are going to turn San Francisco into ground zero for every criminal who wants to profit at their chosen profession,'' Paredes said.

Washington, D.C., is the only major American city that bans handgun possession by private citizens.

How many residents would be affected by the ban is unclear, since California does not require residents to register handguns that are kept in a private residence or a business.

In San Francisco, five of the 11-member Board of Supervisors submitted the measure directly to the Department of Elections -- one more than the minimum needed to get the measure on the ballot without signatures from registered voters.

If approved, the weapons ban would take effect in January 2006.

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Re: S.F. to vote next year on plan to ban handguns


Firearms would be allowed only for police officers, security guards, members of the military and anyone else ``actually employed and engaged in protecting and preserving property or life within the scope of his or her employment,'' according to the measure.

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Does that mean that I could hire myself to guard my own property and pay myself a salary, then carry a handgun?

What a bunch of lunacy!!!

I don't even know where to start with this pile of crapola.


Barnes said Wednesday that the initiative is a response to the rising homicide rate and other social ills, noting: ``We think there is a wide benefit to limiting the number of guns in the city.''

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The reason you people have all of these "social ills" is because YOU HAVE NO MORALS TO BEGIN WITH!!!! DAMMITT!!!

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