Tanned or chemically preserved hide?

Guest Broncho10

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Guest Broncho10

I was just wandering if you guys look for a taxidermist that sends their hides off to get professionally tanned, pay a little extra, and get your mount back in several months? Or would you rather have him chemically preserve the hide, pay a little less, and get your mount back in several weeks?

I am a strong supporter of getting my mount professionally tanned and paying a little extra. I believe it pays off in the long run. I have seen way too many mounts that have cracked and looked like crap after 5 or 10 years after they have been chemically preserved. I know they have supposedly come out w/new chemicals, but who's to say they won't do the same thing down the road. I also know from talkiing to several taxidermists, that a chemically preserved hide will shrink compared to a proffesionally tanned hide that won't. I want my deer looking the same size as he did when I shot him. I know that an extra $50-$150 will pay off in the future, especially if someone has to find a new cape to redo their deer. A remount ends up costing more than a single mount b/c you have to find or buy another cape. Just my 2 cents. I just saw this issue come up another post and figured I would make a post just focusing on this subject. Let me know how you feel.

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