New Years Resolution progress??

Ravin R10 man

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Re: New Years Resolution progress??

Not to bad. Im trying to make my weight goals more realistic and I also included that I wasnt going to punish myself as usual, especially during holidays and special events. That said I ate pretty much like normal during the holidays.

Now im back to eating healthy. Ive lost a few lbs and look to be back in the 180's within a couple of weeks. Im also drinking lots of water. Hopefully I can drop back to the high 170's. Im not allowing myself to go back to the GYM until I do. That has me really motivated to start running and cut out any sugars, starches, and carbs that I dont need.

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Re: New Years Resolution progress??

I'm doing really good. This is the first resolution I've ever made. It was to excerisce a lot, eat right, and quit smoking.

Doing great on all three. I just hit the 3 mile mark on last night's jog, and I've been lifting 4X a week for 3 weeks now.

I haven't had a piece of fried food since New Year's Eve either. I've lost 7 pounds in 3 weeks already. I feel great cool.gif

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Re: New Years Resolution progress??

Yep, still on it and will be forever.

Mine was to get rid of debt and start budgeting. In 15 years of marriage, I never had a budget other than 'don't spend if you don't have to'. Well, I was surprised how much extra we spent.

We sat down and spent our entire paychecks on paper first....spent every penny on some category. For things that we would use ATM's to get cash for, we take 1/2 of a month's budgeted amount and put it in envelopes. Things paid quarterly or annually, their monthly amounts are pushed to a savings account. Normal bills come out of the checking account.

This forces discipline on you but it has probably saved us close to $500 this month alone because I am not spending $12 or $13 a day on food out and we don't waste money on little purchases.

The other thing is that when you pay cash for things like groceries and clothes and food out and entertainment, you feel it and on average spend about 16% less. My wife who swore that she couldn't get groceries for the week for less than about $170 hasn't spent more than $95 a week under this new budget. It really is amazing.

I have already paid my bills for the rest of the month and it worked wonderfully. I have the entire year's budget planned out and if everything happens the way it should, the bleeding of the savings account will stop, I will have my last debt (truck payment) paid off, and I will be socking away savings.


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