Future Parents--You Better Read This


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Wife got some bummer news about her job the other day, so I offered to take her to dinner. She loves going to dinner like most of us love to hunt.

Anyway, I ask the kids who wants to go, and only my daughter takes me up on the offer. So Katie and I go pick up Matt, my 5 year old. Get to daycare, and he's "on green" which is good. So we're all happy at this point.

Off we go to the restaurant to meet my wife. Matt crashes on the way to restaurant, which is cool, but he has to wake up when we get there, not cool. So we get a table right away, sit down, and guess what he has to do? right, potty. Off we go. The urinals are too high for him to reach, but he insists on putting his little winky up there. It was kind of cute actually. He has a little modesty streak to him, he won't let you help anymore, so I backed off, and he's up on his tippy toes (too cute) trying to pee. Gets done, tries to wash his hands, but the sink's too high, then he gets upset because "I wanted to get the soap..." which according to him "looks like blue jello." smile.gif

So, back to the table, he drops his crayon, down he goes to get it, comes up crying, bumps his head, cries harder, he can't find the crayon, I get upset and tell him to stop crying for the 2nd time in 20 minutes; he won't stop, so down I go to get the crayon. I find the crayon under my daughter's foot wedged between the carpeting and the wall, I come up, bump my head, I'm upset, slam the crayon down, break the tip, and now I'm more upset with myself because I broke the tip. Matt starts crying again because I broke the tip.

Time to order, he doesn't want anything. Wife orders chicken fingers for him, he cries, he wanted grilled cheese. He stops crying and says he has to go potty again! So, we turn to our daughter. Katie lets out a heavy sigh and takes him. At least 10 minutes pass, no children, I get up to go check on him. As I get up, I see them coming at me. Matt's got a grin a mile wide, Katie is nearly in tears and says "he would not listen to me..." I smiled and said "welcome to my world, eat your lobster."

See what you have to look forward to? grin.gif

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Re: Future Parents--You Better Read This


I'm only 20, and I still can't wait to be a daddy. smile.gif

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You might of wanted to type that in invisible ink so you know who wouldn't see that .... grin.gifgrin.gif

I would say it's too late for a retraction so you might want to work on a story,, maybe bumped your head, medication was too strong,,, ect... grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Future Parents--You Better Read This

yup been there done that, and Im NOT going back!

Walmart was my daughters big hangup.."WANT DAT, WANT DAT" was all we heard..and time to leave?? OH BOY!!! I took her out under my arm like a bag of potatoes kicking and screaming...I just smiled and went out with her..most people smiled back.

SEE WHAT LUKE??...ROFL Yup.. key word here is..."WAIT"

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Re: Future Parents--You Better Read This



I'm only 20, and I still can't wait to be a daddy. smile.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

You might of wanted to type that in invisible ink so you know who wouldn't see that .... grin.gifgrin.gif

I would say it's too late for a retraction so you might want to work on a story,, maybe bumped your head, medication was too strong,,, ect... grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

I have no one to hide it from, he approves. wink.gifwink.gif

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