Please give my your opinions on my form


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Here's a photo I took this morning: bowform.jpg

Let me know what you think is good/bad/ or otherwise. I thought except for a very slight leaning back and my string to the side of my nose a little, it wasn't too bad. I've always shot with the string slightly off the tip of my nose. Everyone seems to shoot with it right at their tip/in front of their nose but I've been comfortable this way. Thanks for any comments! wink.gif

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Re: Please give my your opinions on my form

I'm not sure about your cams being way out of time but I also shoot with the string to the side of my nose. I shoot with one eye - I think a lot of people shoot with both eyes, but I can't seem to get that down.

I do suggest never to draw a bow without an arrow nocked, especially with these newer bows because if you have a mechanical error with your release and you dry-fire it it could be very expensive to fix and your warranty will not cover that damage. (I learned from experience a few years back) frown.gif

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Re: Please give my your opinions on my form

As far as your form, I think it looks fine. I don't have any pictures of myself but I like to try and keep my shoulders semi-level and it looks like you right shoulder may be a little high. I varies though as to your elevation or if you are on flat ground. On flat groung I definetely try to keep both shoulders level.

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Re: Please give my your opinions on my form

I don't see why you are worried about your form. From other posts that I have read from you is that you are shooting excellent with that bow! I posted a picture of me pulling my bow back on AT and they all told me draw length was to long and I was doing this wrong and this and this. When I kept telling them that I shot just fine the way it was and it was the most comfortable for me. They just kept nagging at me about it and didn't care what I had to say. If how your bow is set-up now works for you then keep it the way it is. No reason to try and fix a bunch of stuff and then maybe find out that you are shooting worse than you were before. Just my opinion though.

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Re: Please give my your opinions on my form

Nothing really pops out at me. If you are comfortable withthe draw length, don't worry about it being past your nose... I have seen guys shoot a lot farther past ,and they prefer it that way. The only thing I see that I don't like is a bow at full draw without an arrow nocked. I was shooting in my brothers basement last year, and at 3/4 draw my release, released. The arrow went through a window. If i had been drawing without an arrow nocked that time, I'm afraid of what my bow would have looked

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Re: Please give my your opinions on my form

i shoot the same way with it off to the side of my nose also, my draw is also just a tad to long, but i have been fitting that for as long as i have been bow hunting, cause i have short arms, and some times cant get a bow with a lower draw with out customizing it, but ive been shooting like that for years and its just comes naturally to me now and i am comfortable with it and i shoot just fine, if you shoot good, you feel comfortable, dont change it

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Guest realtrhunter

Re: Please give my your opinions on my form

All that I can see is that your draw may be bit too long. When I was shooting compition for my colleges archery club our coach wanted to see us forming a straght line with our front arm to our back arm. For you, that would mean raising your front arm so that it is inline with your shoulder, and your back elbow should come down. We were told that you should be able to stand a sheet of plywood up and the whole front of your body would touch it so that it was on the same plane. Remember if you start working on your form you are going to have to change were your peep and sight are. Also like everyone here has said, if you are comfortable the way you are shooting now then stay with it, especially if you are shhoting good, I take it that you are from what someone else said on here. I have seen some people that can consistently put an arrow anywhere they want to have the "worst" form as far as a text book would tell you.

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Re: Please give my your opinions on my form

If a deer steps out in front of you and you shoot it, he or she couldn't care less about your form. If you are comfortable and shooting consistently good groups stay as you are.

If you would feel better about having another knowledgable person check your bow by all means do that. It might just instill that little bit more confidence you have in yourself and your bow.

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Re: Please give my your opinions on my form

yopu dont need to anchor to the corner of your mouth and to the tip of your nose....ever since i was 13 which is 10 years ago i never have. for me my anchor point is when i bring the corner of the fletching to the corner of my mouth. thats my anchor point, your form looks fine. do what works for you

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Re: Please give my your opinions on my form

If you are touching fletching in your mouth, your draw length is to long!!!!! Ask any archery coach which I was for 2 years and they will tell you corner of your mouth and tip of your nose. Turkey girl asked the question and I'm trying to give her correct advise. If your draw length is correct the string should not be able to go past the corner of your mouth. Go to and click on the pro staff and look at their anchor points.

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Re: Please give my your opinions on my form


Shoot the way it works for you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now there is the best advise that I have seen on this thread yet. I have been so messed up by well intentioned advice from amateur shooters, and I'm not saying that their advice was not "text-book correct". At one point I was trying all kinds of things that were suggested until I finally got to thinking more about trying to force all these "form improvements" and eventually developed some pretty wild aspects of (I hate to even use the term), target panic. Instead of just letting my shooting happen in a natural fashion, I was starting to give my mind too much stuff to work on. It has taken years to repair the damage of the target panic and even now it occasionally messes with me. If you have the basics down and are shooting well, I wouldn't be rocking the boat by trying to incorporate too many form changes. You undoubtedly have already engrained some form aspects that work for you and feel repeatable. Stick with it if it is working. Repeatability and consistancy are the keys to success. The only way you can achieve that is by doing what your body tells you is natural.


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Re: Please give my your opinions on my form

Thanks everyone. I'm definitely comfortable the way I am. God made us all different, so no one is going to have the exact same form, and there is no such thing as "perfect" anyway:-) Of course it;s better to have decent form than really bad. It's not like my string is al lthe way to my ear,lol.

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Re: Please give my your opinions on my form

After reading this post and threads and getting to your last statement i think you have answered your question, we are all different and yes just like you i get surious and wonder if i am doing it "Right" If its comfortable and you are succesfull then stick with it, correcting and tweaking are always going to help but you seem to have it down and just keep shooting and experimenting with things and youll be fine, to each is own!

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