Full Scent Blocker/Scent Lok Outfit For Sale!!!


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Items were worn for one season and well taken care of. Not exactly sure how many times I used them but as I said, they are well taken care of and are in great shape.

1.)Cabela's Uninsulated Silent Weave Scent-Lok Jacket in Advantage Timber. Size is a 3XL Tall and fits a 54-56" chest (which is why I need to order so big). The front two snap buttons on the cargo pockets broke and I am sure they can be easily repaired, but aside from that this thing is in MINT condition and has plenty of hunting left in it. Retail in Cabela's is $110 shipped.

2.) Scent Blocker Plus UltraLite Series Pants in Advantage Timber. Cabela's sent me a 2XL size by mistake and since archery had already started I just roughed it out in them, but they are too big for me and I need to sell them. Again, these things are in MINT condition with plenty of hunting left in them. Retail from Cabela's is $152 shipped.

3.) Cabela's Scent-Lok Baseball Cap in Advantage Timber. One size fits all. Retail is $26 shipped.

4.) Whitewater Supprescent 3/4 Face Mask in Advantage Timber. Retail is $25 shipped.

5.) Advantage Timber Gloves. These are NOT Scent-Lok lined however. Only paid $6 for these so I don't plan to sell them separately lol, but they will be included in the set.

6.) Fieldline Fanny Pack finished in Advantage Timber. Retail in Cabela's is $15 shipped.

Everything here would run you $335 brand new shipped to your door, but I will let it ALL go to your door for $235 shipped!!!!!! As usual, I would prefer paypal!

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