first double ever!!!


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i was calling a old blow over trail deep draws to the north and flat rolling pasture to the south of the trail, I was watching the norht, I looked south and about 1/4 mile away seen 3 yotes runnign over a hill towards me, I belly crawled across the road and got ready but they must of seen me couse they were now runnign the other way at about 200 yards, I put the bead on thenicest the middle one and squeezed the trigger, i seen it drop and then with my bear eye seen another one lieing there, I shot the first one through the head and it went right through and did a perfect texas heart shot on the second, I love it when i can save bullets! grin.gif

it was not a bad day I put on about 10 miles in the hills,brought home 3 nice pelts, got 2 more mangy ones and had another one I hit a bit far back get down a hole after a hour of tracking through the thickest bush around! Hides are still holding in there, i shoudl get another 2-3 weeks of good huntign in , I am really lookign foreward to a rest,Iam not as young and its really getting me tired,just about 3 strait months of this, just about time for a nice sleep till noon lol!

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Re: first double ever!!!

I am up to over 110 good hides with the 8 I got today,I am not sure of the exact count I have a freezer full and 2 bags outside of rough skinned stuff,I got 2 today that were rubbed a bit they were in thick bush so i guess its time to head to the open country more to keep the hide quality,I am shooting a .223 with a 50 gr american eagle HP,today I had 3 shots that were 3-350 yards, I wish I could have every day that the bullet always went were it was supposed to go, today I had one sit on a ridge and I could not convince him to come closer,I put the bead 6" above his head and figured with a 20 mph wind I have to move it to the right, I moved it to the right about 10" and shot, he buckled and did a few heart shot flips into the draw, perfect heart shot!just luck like that it what I had today,got to love a good lucky day though lol!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: first double ever!!!

Nice work!!! I'll be planning a trip up in April: If hides are still o.k. I'd love to go out, or else a shed hunt again!!!! I'll be bugging you as the time gets closer! Great jobs on the Yotes!.....and for all the others here, until you've seen sureshots love of the sport you can't imagine how nuts this guy is! I rode with him a couple years ago, only to have him slam on the breaks...jump out and start calling to a coyote that I hadn't even seen! The guy knows his predators! Nice work!

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