Buffalo Hunting - What a Joke


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Maybe it's the dangerous animal part of it. Remember a few years ago a video was being shown with this poor (dumb) tree hugger guy that got way too close to one taking some pics. That buffalo was tossing him around like a rag doll. They are supposed to be very unpredictable. Other than that, you got me. Bagging a buffalo is not on my "I want to hunt for that before I die" list. If you put the word "cape" in front of that, now we are getting into my list.

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Re: Buffalo Hunting - What a Joke

my friends own a farm with buffalo on it and they have about 300. they are pretty easy to shoot with a rifle cause there kind of stupid. there curisoty can get the best of them. there really no afarid of anything. but bow hunting them would be something that i wouldnt want to do cause i have seen some of the damage that these animals can do. its not pretty. last year the biggest bull that they have almost knocked over a grain silo when we had to give them all the shots for the year. he busted out of the holding gate and the rest is history.

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Re: Buffalo Hunting - What a Joke

Being that close with an animal that dangerous to make a killing shot with a bow. I don't think I would do that. I have been around cows and bulls all of my life and I have learned to keep a weary eye on them, but you add that weight plus more in some cases plus their nasty streak and you could be in for trouble real quick.


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Re: Buffalo Hunting - What a Joke

I saw this same post on another forum and felt compelled to answer it there too. Sometimes (usually?) our opinions of things are only as accurate as our limited experiences, which is fair enough.

In northern British Columbia, there is a substantial wild herd of buffaloes. Under these circumstances, the hunt is a real challenge. First of all, it is a limited entry draw and attracts the people who are ready and willing to put the effort into it. Second, the animals range far and wide and are as crazy as ticks. Third, it's a late season hunt and the temperatures are generally frigid, accompanying snow and wind. There is a high failure rate in obtaining an animal; definitely this is a challenging hunt.

Neither would I be interested in shooting a fish-in-a-barrel buffalo, but I feel a lot more capable of bagging a mountain elk or desert mule deer than withstanding one of the northern B.C. buffalo hunts.

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Re: Buffalo Hunting - What a Joke

I know quite a bit about buffalo. Many people around here raise them like beef cattle. There is a reserve that I have been to several times, not far from Tulsa, and I also got a complete lesson on them from a worker at Yellowstone a couple of months ago.

They are amazingly dangerous animals. They are the largest land mammal in America. They can spring more than twice the speed of any human alive. They are very agile and VERY VERY temperamental. The danger factor is amazing. As far as the "wild" aspect of the hunt, I have yet to see a "wild" buffalo. I cant see, in todays times, where a true "wild" buffalo could exist. Todays demand for livestock has fenced the buffalo in one way or another. Im sure they all get their fair share of human interaction. Truthfully I would like to hunt one but only if it was truly wild, which probably doesn't exist. The only way I could ever see a buffalo "wild" would be to be born in a fenced hunting area without certain levels of human interaction. Then maybe 3 generations down, their offspring could be considered "wild."

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Re: Buffalo Hunting - What a Joke


jeramie, I talked about a wild buffaloes population 2 posts above yours. Have a look. <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

[/ QUOTE ]

I must have missed your post! I never took into consideration some of the remote lands in Canada. Around here it would be basically impossible. From what Ive seen in the temperament, the size of the animals, and the damage they do to landmarks I would probably have a little reserve about hunting true "wild" buffalo. Im sure I would but again, the ones that are getting interaction are a little less likely to attack. All I can say is if they are truly "Wild" my hat is off to those who dare to take the challenge on foot.

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Re: Buffalo Hunting - What a Joke

Not too many animals even know your there, when your shooting from 400 yrds, whether your hunting deer, elk, moose or whatever.

Try getting up close to these critters for a well placed bow shot ....better hope your not shaking too hard..and ...you'd also better hope he doesn't know where the shot came from..LOL tongue.gif

Here's a good link http://www.westernimprints.de/data/wildlife/facts/bisonfacts.html

As far as I'm concerned, buffalo aren't any easier than moose are to hunt, but a heck of a lot more dangerous. shocked.gif

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Re: Buffalo Hunting - What a Joke

horntagger donjt you know how much of a sport it is? i seen a couple buffalo at the game ranch down the street. I bet that i could throw them a peanut and maybe get away with a clear shot in a shooting lane. they must be hard to stalk since ted nugent rides on their bakcs lol.

btw this is post #50!

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  • 1 year later...

Re: Buffalo Hunting - What a Joke

I went on a hunt in Oct. of this year.

Was it easy? Depends on what you consider easy!

We were out on a ranch that was 10,000 acres. There were about 250 buffalo on this range. That is a whole lot of territory without any buffalo!

We did find a herd of about 150 and they were over 400 away. About 30 or 35 split off from this herd and headed our way!

We were going to shoot for meat only! No trophy head or anything like that!

When they got about 100 yards from us, the rancher informed us about the "lead" cow and to watch out for her because she might attack anything. If she did, we were supposed to shoot her! That was very comforting to know at that time!!! LOL!!!

Well they did come in and we did shoot 2 of them. Would I do it again? You bet because the meat is some of the best eating I have ever experienced!

After we shot them, we really had our work cut out for us because they are not small animals!

I am really spoiled on how great the meat is. If I had my choice, that is the only kind of meat that I would eat!

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Re: Buffalo Hunting - What a Joke

There is a wild herd of buffalo in the Henry Mountains in Utah that can be hunted if you are lucky enough to draw a tag. From what I hear it is a pretty tough hunt after truly wild animals that are not all that easy to find and if spooked will run for miles. The buffalo hunt in British Columbia sounds like it is also a "real" hunt. I went to BC on a muley hunt last november and one of the guides had been on that hunt. He said that most of the people who drew tags would only hunt if the buffalo were near a road, thus the low success rate, because of the difficulty in handling such a large animal. I can not fault anyone for wanting to shoot a buffalo, for the meat alone is excellent, but on the "hunts" where you just drive into a pasture and pick out the one you want and shoot it, well, that's just not for me. Usually, the outfitter/guide does all of the processing and the "hunter's" part is to pose for pictures after he/she kills the animal. Not much of a hunting experience there, but to each their own. A hunt is what you make of it. I personally like a little adventure in my hunting.

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Re: Buffalo Hunting - What a Joke

I took this picture at Wilderness Lodge in Tennessee this spring. Our very own Norm Sauceman was right next to me. Would I have shot one, had I had been there hunting them? You betcha! I still dream of the bow shot I could have taken.

Buffalo Meat is awesome!! I have never shot a cow but I sure like hamburgers. And yep I would mount a buffalo. I think they look really cool. Unpredictable too, those things are truly manic.


This "It's too easy.", attitude gets on my nerves. Nothing is easier than pulling up to the drive though and placing an order. Something still died for that convience. Remember that. And yes I do love hamburgers! smile.gif

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Guest andymansavage

Re: Buffalo Hunting - What a Joke

As stated above, there is a large wild herd of buffalo in the henry MTS of southern Utah. It is a once in a lifetime tag IF you ever draw. Many hunters end up eating tag soup because it is such a difficult hunt. A truly wild buffalo will run any hunter or horse into the ground any day, those things can move!

As for the buffalo "harvests" on ranches, to each his own. It's not hunting, but then again, how sporting is it to shoot a buck under a feeder that you've been using all year, from a box in the air?

As for mulies being dumb, break the numbers down, there are far less record book mulies taken every year per hunter than whities. You can shoot a 2 point staring at you from close range any day, but the big ones don't look back..................

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Re: Buffalo Hunting - What a Joke

I don't follow your opinion. Look at how dumb and stupid domestic turkeys are. Wild turkeys are nothing like their domesticated kin. The same with dogs. Why would you think wild buffalo would be any different? I have been on some deer hunts that were more like shoots than hunts. Does that make whitetail deer not fun and enjoyable to hunt? If thats your opinion, so be it. Why bash others that enjoy it?

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