New Orleans AINT'S...


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Re: New Orleans AINT\'S...


well, it is the does it really matter? Bears would have been the 5th best team in the AFC. Colts will win big. Grossman is the worst QB in the league...luckily that defense has carried him.

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Well they don't have a laughing face so I guess I can't put it on there. The colts did not look to good yesterday. The pats defense fell apart in the second half and their secondary isn't near as good as the bears. I was actually hoping the colts would win because the bears can beat the colts they would have had a harder time with the pats. grin.gif

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Re: New Orleans AINT\'S...



well, it is the does it really matter? Bears would have been the 5th best team in the AFC. Colts will win big. Grossman is the worst QB in the league...luckily that defense has carried him.

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Well they don't have a laughing face so I guess I can't put it on there. The colts did not look to good yesterday. The pats defense fell apart in the second half and their secondary isn't near as good as the bears. I was actually hoping the colts would win because the bears can beat the colts they would have had a harder time with the pats. grin.gif

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Guess I can't put one here either. smirk.gif

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Re: New Orleans AINT\'S...

I am still laughing about the show boat reggie bush who thought he was all that after his 80 yard td run. He only rushes for 18 yards during the game and then when they interview urlacher about bush taunting him urlacher asks what did he do point at me???? I bet he would have rather one the game than been cocky. LOL now that is funny stuff. What i thought was funny was bush was sprinting and urlacher was right on his tail. No to bad for a so called overated MLB!!!!!!!!!!!

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