My wife's first buck


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My wife called me Friday night at about 11:30 at night on her way back from her parents house. Her dad has been in bad health lately and they've had some problems with their house, so we've been going there alot lately.

When I answered the phone I just knew something was wrong. I just had that feeling. Then I hear my wifes shaking voice. "I just got my first buck". I asked if she and my daughter were ok. She said that they were fine. She found a place to pull over and asses the damage on our Sequoia and stayed on the line. She said that she couldn't see any damage so I asked her the next logical question.

"Did you kill it?" She said she didn't know and her mood started to change. She decided that she wanted to go back and see if it was dead, then started talking about it. She had seen about 40 deer on the side of the road already and was watching for them. She said this guy was about 30 feet off the road on a corner and just came sraight at her with his horns down like he was attacking the truck.

We've talked alot lately about what to do in that situation. I told her that our saquoia is huge compared to a deer and if one comes out, just run it down. It may do some damage and may cause the airbags to go off, but if she tried to swerve it could cause the truck to go out of control.

When she got to the spot where she hit the deer I could hear excitement in her voice. "There they are! There they!" "I can see the horns" I asked her if the it was a pretty big buck, she said "I don't know, it's just the horns". I guess he was about to loose his antlers, when she hit him the horns just popped off. There was almost no sign of blood on them and there was no damage to either side. It looked like a rather mature buck by the size of the base and it had 8pts and probibly about a 15-16" spread.

When she got home, she was all smiles and had to show me her new rack.

I asked her if she was ready to go hunting with me now that she had gotten her first rack. She said "Still don't want to shoot one, but give me a big truck against 'em and I'll get you all the horns you want.

It was pretty cold that night so we went out the next morning to see if he was still around. She showed me where she hit him and where she found the horns. I did a little tracking and found where he hit the ditch and found some tracks going into the woods. I could see in about 100 yards and couldn't see anything.

I figure if the horns popped off and there wasn't any damage to the truck the worst he got was a headache and a couple scabby spots on his head. grin.gif

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Re: My wife\'s first buck


let's see... a $40,000. truck or a $1.00 bullett.... hmmm.... you'd best have a talk with the little lady.. lol

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Thats what im talking about! You could completley outfit her for the season and still save some money! grin.gif

Glad no one was hurt. Even a 100lb deer can cause serious damage!

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Re: My wife\'s first buck



Did I mention that my wife doesn't alway seem to be playing with a full deck? wink.gif

Shhhhhh don't tell her I told. grin.gif

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She married you didn't she grin.gif

Too easy of a shot to take..Had to do it tongue.gifgrin.gif

I am glad she is OK. Close one.

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Momentary act of sanity. tongue.gif

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