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Re: GO COLTS!!!!

Glad to see the Colts get the WIN!


Am I The Only one that noticed??

With the Pats Offense on the Field with less than 2 Min togo.

Manning is Sitting on the Bench with his head down Feeling SORRY FOR HIMSELF???

Instead of Cheering for his TEAM.

(Couldn't bear to Look)MA

I'm gonna Miss another SB.

Instead of STANDING on the Side line CHEERING on the (his)DEFENSE,

They are the ones WHO REALLY Won the game for the COLTS.

Then, After the Defensive Interception, he Runs out on the Field,

Like Aren't You Proud of ME???


I'm Not

Hope the Super Bowl is as good a scoring game as the 2nd half of the AFC Championship.

Sorry I posted this under the

Bellichick is post.

should have been here.

I don't care either way, which team wins.

Hoping for a good game though.

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Re: GO COLTS!!!!

wait a minute you dont know if he was feeling sorry for himself or if he had to poop or if he was sick from all the anxiety. he might have been praying. and also the defense allowed alot of points to be scored so the win doesnt go entirely to them. how many times did they leave ppl wide open? any way im really excited about it. and hope they win it all

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Re: GO COLTS!!!!

Actually, he was praying. He even said so after the game. A minute left and 2 timeouts is plenty of time for Brady.

As i said in the other thread, that post is nothing but Manning bashing. Look no further then his comment about the defense. Some people will just hate Manning regardless of what he does. He won a big game against a big game team, Bradys only loss in a dome by the way. Yet, some people want to overlook that and slam him becuase he didnt act the right way. Waaaa, cry me a river.

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Re: GO COLTS!!!!


if he had to poop

[/ QUOTE ]

well if he had to go drop a fence post, he was sitting in the wrong place... lol

yeah he was praying because for what he's been through when it comes to the playoffs, I'd be praying to. But look at it like this, the news reporters made it look like it was all about him, but it wasn't... he even said it was about the team.... its not about me, its about "we"....

Bellick is a total $@@$%^$@#.... he couldn't admit he got beat, he didn't even really congrats us.... Maybe LT was right when he said Bellick had no class.... Was it me or did he basically walk right pass Peyton.

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Re: GO COLTS!!!!

I fell like bellichick should atleast give peyton more than a nod, i mean he has beaten peyton for years now and finally peyton does it, he owes him some gratitude, but oh well it didnt stop us from celebrating what alot of people dont get to witness in their lifetime, a favorite team and home town team going to the superbowl, AND yea W.M. i did notice shannon was the only one backing the colts i think its great cuase now there all for us...make up your mind we make believers out of you yet!!!!

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Re: GO COLTS!!!!

I read somewhere that BB talked with him in the lockeroom area. It's possible he just wanted to get off the field and let the Colts enjoy the moment. Of course, since we didnt see it we will never know the truth. BB has been a great coach but i just dont like the guy in general. He's arrogant and a sore loser in my opinion. One thing i have always admired about Dungy is that he is a class act win or lose. I havent always liked some of his coaching decisions, but as a person he has always been nothing but class.

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