scored on doe #2


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Went out last night and got up in my tree about 3:30. As soon as I was settled, I noticed 6 does in the field about 125 yards away. As they grazed they were joined by at least six more, it was hard to tell exactly how many. They were herded up already, and a warm front got them moving early.

The field "V's" down and there is a hole in the barbed wire fence right at this neckdown. Scouting in August showed that this was a heavily traveled area. My treestand sits 30 yards away grin.gif

It took them about an hour to filter down my way. I watched 10 does jump through the hole in the fence in a single file line (reminded me of counting sheep).

I picked out some of the bigger ones and tried to concentrate on them, it was hard with so many. I knew I would have to act fast, with all those eye in the area I knew one would eventually spot me. After 15 minutes past I still didn't have an open shot crazy.gif Then of course one picked my off, she spooked, and two a few hops, this caused a deer to step out in my shooting lane and my arrow found it's mark at 30 yards. She ran 70 yards and fell, it was a clean kill with an excellent blood trail.

That's doe #2, still after a buck, with the limited time I have to hunt now, moments like those seem that much more enjoyable.


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Re: scored on doe #2

Congratulations on your second doe Muggs.

With all those does going through the fence, it sounds like your hunting my blind..LOL

Only difference is,.. they go past me through the fence at about 15 yrds. Nice and close grin.gif

Good shootin man ...nice clean kills are always nice to hear about.

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