Buy a deer at Walmart?


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Just ran over to wally world during lunch to pick my bro up his x-mas present.

As I was leaving the parking lot a nice sized doe ran right in front of my truck and I had to slam the breaks on.

Now our Walmart is within a huge shopping center. Home Depot and Walmart face each other and share a parking lot so its not like its broadered by woods. As a matter of fact our interstate runs right by the 2 stores...

I thouhgt it was kinda cool...


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Re: Buy a deer at Walmart?


one day this season I did an all day hunt and did not see one single deer. i was on my way home and glanced over to a mobil home park---right there was several does feeding in somebody's front yard--go figure.

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You guys are always wondering what to put in those food plots. Well, check out that trailer park and see what they're planting. wink.gif


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Re: Buy a deer at Walmart?

I guess VT is no different from and other state with deer starting to live full time in Urban areas.

I felt bad for this poor little doe.

Being a hunter and knowing deers body language, I could tell it was very scared and did not know where to go. It did not look unhealthy by no means, just lost.

I truely wished I could of caught her and brought her to a wooded area. I never once felt like I wanted to harvest this animal.

Call it a soft spot, I dunno...

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