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You may have heard about Ted Nugent's concert for Governor Rick Perry last weekend..... and the completely ..... way far..... LEFT OF CENTER.... reporting that was put out on the A/P wire. In talking with several people that attended, either that reporter was in another realm... or his tobacco was out of wack!

Here is Nugent's response on a local (Waco) TV station..... (click the link.. then go to FEATURED VIDEOS)


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I hope he pursues these LIARS, the AP; and sues the crap out of them.

Ted will never be accepted by the mass', but he is the best shot we have at getting our point of view out there.

Who else gets his kind of exposure?

Look the anti'sd will never like what we do, so why tone Ted down so he is more acceptable to them?

Rock on Uncle TED!

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My first thought was i better not get into this, but this made me have to. I don't hate many people in this world, but Nugent comes very close. That is for many many reasons. The big one is for the baiting issue, but lets please not get into that. I guess the nail in the coffin was when i saw him just stroll up to his corn pile and shoot a doe and then her fawn. My dad was doing the dishes and i was in my room, but when he shot it i heard him say i can not believe i just saw that. That was not the first time i'd seen him do something i hated, but needless to say, ted has not been back on the tv in my house.

And to his music, I hate it also. Oh and i'm not old, I'm 17. However i am told that i should have been born years ago from my music choice. Ha I'm a huge George Strait fan.

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Guess I will chime in here too. I do think Ted has good intentions and does a lot to promote the shooting and hunting sports. I do also think though that he is not always a good example of hunters to those non hunters out there. I mean come on, some times he gets a bit out there. The whole kill the beast the beast is dead long live the beast thing and some of the things he has done with baiting does whether we like it or not portray hunters in a bad light to those who are ignorant to otherwise. I still do not dislike him, but honestly do kind of have mixed thoughts about him and some of the things he does.

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