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Your signature along with a few others may be way over the limit, size-wise when it comes to pixels x pixels.

Although the pixels x pixels may not have much to do with download time for the Dial-uppers, it does have a lot to do with making the signature very large and obtrusive in a thread/post while scrolling down. If everyone had very large obtrusive signatures, it would make it very awkward reading through a thread.

To find out how large your picture signature is Pixel-wise, right click on it and go to properties. The last number (125 pixels) is the maximum height.


Is there a limit to signature image size?

#1 - We ask that you keep your images relatively small. As a rule, please do not exceed 600 x 125 pixels (Max) .

When ever I make a signature for someone, I try really hard to keep it under 100 pixels high, just so it's not invasive in the threads, while scrolling and reading.

#2 - For those who have those ticker sigs for counting down your hunting season. Only one is allowed in your signature, please. Two or more is a bit much.

#3 - Like-wise, when making just printed signatures, try to keep them within those space boundaries as well, just for easier scrolling and reading for the members.


I'm sure your cooperation will be appreciated by all.

Thank you

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I got dizzy seeing some of the signatures, so I turned them off.

For those with dial up, or those like me who just don't want to see them, go to "My Home" go towards the bottom to "Display preferences, number of shown topics, languages, colors... " select "edit", then go clear to the bottom, select "no" to the question, "Do you want to view other user's signatures with their posts" question. Works for me! cool.gif

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I got dizzy seeing some of the signatures, so I turned them off.

For those with dial up, or those like me who just don't want to see them, go to "My Home" go towards the bottom to "Display preferences, number of shown topics, languages, colors... " select "edit", then go clear to the bottom, select "no" to the question, "Do you want to view other user's signatures with their posts" question. Works for me! cool.gif

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Good tip smile.gif

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I got dizzy seeing some of the signatures, so I turned them off.

For those with dial up, or those like me who just don't want to see them, go to "My Home" go towards the bottom to "Display preferences, number of shown topics, languages, colors... " select "edit", then go clear to the bottom, select "no" to the question, "Do you want to view other user's signatures with their posts" question. Works for me! cool.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Good tip smile.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Sure is!!! I was not aware of that function.

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Something I don't understand is the size limit in KB's, vs the size limit in height. Awhile back it was brought up about how the actual file size could only be around I wanna sat 25,000 kb's. There are ALOT that are quite bigger, yet they are under the pixil dimension. What is the difference??

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Something I don't understand is the size limit in KB's, vs the size limit in height. Awhile back it was brought up about how the actual file size could only be around I wanna sat 25,000 kb's. There are ALOT that are quite bigger, yet they are under the pixil dimension. What is the difference??

[/ QUOTE ]

To be honest Gator, We've been kind of ignoring the size limit in kb, just because it's too dang difficult to moderate and control. I don't have the know-how or program to make animations smaller byte-wise and I'm sure 99.9% of the users in here don't either.

The size restriction on the actual physical appearance (height and width) of a signature, is much easier to deal with both from a moderating and a user standpoint .

The only practical way users who have dial-up can deal with the loading times is to turn that feature off in their profile.

Wish I could give you a better answer, but that's the best I can do bud.

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Okay, explain the "loading" difference of the physical size compared to the KB size, 'cause I sure don't understand that aspect of it. I would think KB size would have more of an effect than physical size when loading......... If my phone line was better at home, I'd give it a try

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Your right Gator, KB size has everything to do with pictures loading fast or slow, but like I said, it's too dang hard to patrol, and we don't want to start just telling folks to get rid of their signatures, because they are way to big byte-wise. I think Luke, NRA(John), MOON and need2hunt(Gary) are the only people in here with the programs to actually change the bytes in an animation, and still have it move..LOL.

Heck, I can downsize them, but they won't work when I'm done..LOL

Right now we are more concerned about the obtrusiveness of a very large signature in a post and thread.

If we were to start enforcing the byte-size rule, it would not only be a huge pain in the butt for us, but a lot of signatures would just have to go..period. We don't really want to go there, right now...LOL...we want to be your friend...LOL grin.gif

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I'll apologize for the team signatures that I've made the teams that animate being so big in byte size. All my work is initial somewhere in either left or right corner with an NWD text.

At the time of making them this sticky did not exist and last time I knew long as the signature didn't cause complaints that animations were allowed to go a bit bigger in bytes in order to keep their quality when animating. That's honestly the last post I read by a moderator on here in reguards to signature animations and sizes. crazy.gif

Now that these rules are sticky here for me to see I apologize for the signatures, that I made a couple of the teams, breaking the byte size limit. I would remake them all, but since the Deer Contest is only a few weeks from ending, I'm wondering if it'd be okay for those signatures to stay onboard until it ended? To me doesn't seem worth the time to fix them then have to re-help everyone on each team at changing their signatures to the new version.

From here on out if I get requests for animated team signatures for the contests I'll keep them within the restrictions and if questionable get buckee's approval on them before I send them off to the team that requested them.

Does this sound okay to do? It wasn't intentional on my part at making them too big for the forum restrictions here. I hadn't seen these rules before and last time I saw a post on the subject, before this sticky, it was up in the air if the byte restrictions on signatures that were animated were going to stay the same or increase to aid in the quality of the animations from getting so choppy and distorted.

Will animated avatars be address in byte size, too? I see a couple of them that are animated floating around that are bigger in byte size than the signatures I made teams. Mainly the ones people were getting from Archery Talk are the animated avatars I see going up into the 100KB and beyond sometimes.

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It's Ok I said, we haven't been enforcing the byte size rule. I've asked a few folks who make animations to try to keep them down in size byte-wise, but we haven't been making a big deal about it.

It's a pain in the butt for the dial-up users, I know, but what can we do.

I know the contest is almost over, and we're not going to start axing signatures that are too big byte-wise. Too much of a headache.

Something to remember for any future animation projects grin.gif


I made the post for 2 reasons

#1 - to inform the members that, "YES" there is a rule about signature sizes

#2 - to inform them that we have never inforced the 35K issue, but are enforcing the Pixel size issue, because the large pictures in signatures are just too "OBTRUSIVE"

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