Got an email....


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from the NYS DEC. I sent in my cover letter and resume about a week and a half ago for applying to work at one of the summer env. ed. camps. I finally got an email back with some paperwork to fill out and send in, then to call and schedule a phone interview. Oh boy.... wink.gif Well this is my last week of custodial for 2 weeks, so that should give me time to get this all taken care of. Only thing is I was going to drive down to a local state park and ask about employment there...what happens if you get accepted to 2 summer jobs? Or should I wait to find out if I can work for the DEC before I check with the local park?

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Re: Got an email....

Definately check into both jobs! You can always turn one down. If you are waiting on an answer from one of them see if you can hold off on giving them an answer for a day or two and check in with the other job. Just ask them if they made up their mind yet on who they are going to hire. Good luck!

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