Martin Truex Jr. arrested


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Re: Martin Truex Jr. arrested


What does he mean? "I don't feel I was being disorderly" For Pete's sake you were wizzing on a police car. mad.gif

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Maybe he thinks it would have had to have been inside the car to be "disorderly"! This is life when drivers are pushed into the Nextel Cup spotlight while they are basically still immature kids. Gotta love it! grin.gifshocked.gifblush.gif

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Re: Martin Truex Jr. arrested


What does he mean? "I don't feel I was being disorderly" For Pete's sake you were wizzing on a police car.

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I don't think he urinated on the police car. It was by the SUV they were driving. Nevertheless... that is a little rediculous but not exactly a crime that should be a big deal. How many of us have ever urinated in public (drunk or not)? Of course... I've never done it!!! shocked.gif


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Re: Martin Truex Jr. arrested

I laughed out loud literally. I am so sick of the PC talk from the drivers and people in NASCAR these days. I thought it was one of the funniest remarks made back to a cop. I thought you could just pay a fine and be done with it but I think the cop was trying to make a 15 minutes of fame moment. He just wanted to bust his chops for being famous and Truex shouldn't apologize for a bodily function. The cop should have identified himself instead of trying to be funny. I bet he about whizzed himself when he heard the reply. If I had his money, I'd pull out a few more hundreds and tell my friends that their whizz is on me. LOL

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