Got Alpacas??

Guest Andrea

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Anyone here own an alpaca or two? These animals are gorgeous. I went on-line to check out how much they cost...........I almost fell outta my chair!!!!

I think if I had the land, I'd probably get one. May have to settle for something a little smaller and cheaper though, maybe a sheep. grin.gif


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Re: Got Alpacas??


What's the season on them and how much to get them mounted????? grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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If you knew how much they cost and how much people get for their wool and how much they get for selling them as'd think twice about shooting one. smile.gif

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Re: Got Alpacas??



What's the season on them and how much to get them mounted????? grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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If you knew how much they cost and how much people get for their wool and how much they get for selling them as'd think twice about shooting one. smile.gif

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Yeah it would have to depend on how they tasted as well! wink.gif

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Re: Got Alpacas??




What's the season on them and how much to get them mounted????? grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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If you knew how much they cost and how much people get for their wool and how much they get for selling them as'd think twice about shooting one. smile.gif

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Yeah it would have to depend on how they tasted as well! wink.gif

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Think the only folks that eat them are the Bolivians. crazy.gifgrin.gif Not much of a sporting animal anyway, they just stand there and stare at you. LOL grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Got Alpacas??

We have a breeder near here that breeds alpaca, camel, llama, emu, ostrich, buffalo, and friesian horses. He makes a lot of money from his exotic animals. The alpaca he sells their wool and young. The camel he sells rides on them at carnivals/fairs and their young. The llama he sells their wool and young. The emu he sells sterile eating eggs, fertilized eggs, their meat, and feathers. The ostrich he sells sterile eating eggs, fertilized eggs, their meat, and feathers. The buffalo he sells their meat and young. The friesian horses he sells their young and stud fees. Just the Friesians alone one foal brings him $20,000 and a stud fee $1,000. shocked.gif Lets just say the guy is pretty darn rich and his house, farm, and land shows that. crazy.gif Those animals lives like kings and queens in that place. Hard to see into see the animals though he's taken to putting tall pines around the entire border of his land over the years to prevent visability onto the property. I used to sit and watch the horses play, but can't anymore.

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Re: Got Alpacas?? in-laws used to have emus. Let me tell ya, the eggs are beautiful ( nasty to eat though) and the meat from those birds is out of this world delicious. Very lean. Tastes like beef, but better. So is ostrich.

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Re: Got Alpacas??

[ QUOTE ] in-laws used to have emus. Let me tell ya, the eggs are beautiful ( nasty to eat though) and the meat from those birds is out of this world delicious. Very lean. Tastes like beef, but better. So is ostrich.

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Have to say haven't ate emu or ostrich before, but always wanted to. It's hard to find such things around here to eat it without buying your own ostrich and butchering it. lol I'd love to try buffalo, moose, elk, ostrich, and emu at some point or another.

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Re: Got Alpacas??


just another thought... aren't the liberals coming out with the theory that beastiality is a good thing.... better hide those

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WHAT?????????????????????????????????? crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gif

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Re: Got Alpacas??

We actually looked into them 7 or 8 years ago.Cant remember the website but I signed up for info and started getting literature and invitations from all over the country to come and check them out.

The price was what killed the idea, to get enough to breed them was an investment I couldnt make and knowing my luck Id wind up with 50,000$ worth of Alpacas and the market would dry up grin.gif

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