What a morning

Guest Andrea

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Somehow I knew this morning would be a good one. Somehow.

I got in my stand around 5:45. About 30 minutes later a huge buck comes trotting in, head down. Not sure how many points, but there were plenty. He didn't pause at all, guess maybe he was tracking a doe. I didn't have time to raise my gun. frown.gifmad.gif So I sit there in the hopes that maybe he'll find that doe and they'll both come back my way.

I sat there til 9. mad.gif

So I got down and went home. I put up my gun and grabbed a bag of corn. I lugged it back out to my stand and as I was just about to get there....I see a buck standing in the shooting lane....staring at me. crazy.gif

I didn't know what to do. That bag of corn was getting heavy. I squatted down with the corn. The deer never moved. Mind you, we are less than 30 yds away from each other. I didn't even have my mask on any more. He never budged. And it seemed like an eternity went by.

My knees ached, my calves were on fire and my feet were numb. And that bag of corn felt like it weighed 2000 lbs. crazy.gifgrin.gif

Eventually the 4 point fed around and left. I put the bag of corn down, go home, get my gun and climb back up the tree. Sat there for 2 more hours..........nothin.

Sooooooo, after a pretty boring season so far....things are starting to heat up. Hopefully I can get this monster soon. smirk.gif I've got til the end of February. ( if he lasts that long!!)

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Re: What a morning


Hang in there. He'll be back.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, don't think this was the big guy I saw yesterday, but I GOT ONE!!! Seven pointer. I'll post pics tomoorw!!! Gotta go "help" clean him now. grin.gif

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