Truck hit!!


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Todya at noon i stopped at home for lunch and was eating pizza when i herd a crunch and a bang! I looked otu the window and seen a car smashed into the rear of my neighbors truck, I seen what looked liek smoke so i ran otu and seen if the girl was ok shut the vehicle off and she asked whose truck she hit, I sent her to my neighbors house and finished eating, when I did I went out and talked for abit, and went to leave and seen she sideswiped my truck, the door would ahrdly open and the front fender and door dinted with a big scratch and the box with a scratch down it! I got really mad and said you ,,,,,,, you hit my truck to!! her dad started to walk over and I just had the look so he calmed down and siad it does not look to bad what should we do abotu it!, All I said was I am doing nothign but you are fixing it!! She knew about my truck but thought it was not bad and I would not notice, Then the guy said there is no need ot report it couse no one was hurt! I phoned the insurance company and they said to clal the police. I just got finished with the police and they said it had to be reported couse it was the fauly of the driver and deffinatly could of been avoided if paying attention seeing it was dry out!

I jsut got doen with a bar straitning the door out so it will open and close and find out tueday if they write the truck off or fix it!!The really crappy thing is I do all the work on my truck and just did what would cost the averge guy a grand to do in a shop and it only cost me $100 couse i get a good dicount on parts and all labor is covered, they only go on the bills!!I guess my tiem is worth nothing!! the other thing that gets me is peopel think couse my truck has rust on it and I use it as a huntign vehicle its a piece of junk, my truck sure does but its mechanically better than most vehicles on the road now and its fixed right couse I do not want problems when 40 below and 20 miles from the nearest farm! when coyote hunting!! if they are jerks like that when checking it out there will be soem crap to pay soemwere along the line!! frown.gif I am still ticked off big time!! blush.gif

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Re: Truck hit!!

I just saved money on my car insurance by switching to Geico.....lmbo! Sorry, I just had to. That sucks big time SS though I'm glad no one was hurt. When a U-haul smashed into our car while we were parked at Buger King, we called the polica, seeign that our car was damaged and the guy driving had not even paid attention or looked when he pulled out beside us, turning too soon and wham! Can't blame ya for being mad. I see more and more people recklessly driving these days and caring more about themselves than the other peopel out there.

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Re: Truck hit!!

Sorry about the truck... Funny how whenever does something to you or your property they say "Oh... it's not that bad". We had a guy go through one of our cattle fences some year back at about 3 in the morning (said "I ran into your fence... but I think it's OK)... decided we should probably go out and check... The joker took out three of our Lot pens and we had cattle all over!

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Re: Truck hit!!

Washi the way the law is here if a vehicle is totaled off it has to be recertified, to get a vehicle totally certified here its crazy, a little crack or chip in the windshielsd a new one is needed, the roters and drums have to be a certain thickness and its way above the specs we go by in our books, we have had to replace ones that were only turned once, any rust in the cab area has to be repaired, every light has to be working, anyhtign loose has to be fixed, liek a tail gate that rattles, exhaust has to meet a certain decibal and be right out the back not drop offs,it goes on and on, most vehicles you think are in perfect condition need 500-1000 work to pass! Just another money grab! I am sure they will nto right it off unless there is steerign problems with the wheel being hit, If they want to fix it I am going to see abotu a cash settlement, and I will fix it myself, we have a s15 in our coumpound at work and I can get the door for next to nothign and jsut paint it to match, i can live with the front fender and box a bit dinted if they are willing to compensate me for it!

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