Attention NY hunters, fishemen and trappers


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I have just learned of a pretty bad situation that involves the DEC. I took the liberty of copying this message from one of the members on as I think it is something that all NY sportsmen should be concerned about and responding to.


From the NYSCC:


January 25, 2007

Governor Spitzer announces that he has selected Assemblyman Alexander “Pete” Grannis as the new Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Conservation.

Assemblyman Grannis has served on the NYS Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee since the mid 1970s and is a strong advocate for a clean environment. He is also known as an opponent of trapping. He fly-fishes and has a mixed record on hunting issues.

Judith Enck has been appointed Deputy Secretary for Environment and will remain a close advisor to the Governor on all environmental issues.

The Council will be meeting with Commissioner Grannis in the near future.


As I understand it, this is a nomination and is not yet a done deal. Therefore it would be a pretty good idea if we all contacted our legislators and made it plain that we believe that this represents a serious threat to the health and effectiveness of the DEC.


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Re: Attention NY hunters, fishemen and trappers

Found this on the internet:

"Assemblyman Alexander Grannis, who is from the nation’s largest metro area, has drafted a bill that could, if passed in its present form, make all hunting illegal in the Empire State. The text of New York State Assembly Bill 1850 reads, in part: “A person is guilty of aggravated cruelty to animals when … he or she intentionally kills … an animal or wild game [or] wild birds.”

There's more. Copy and paste the above address into your browser to see the whole story.

Want to see how the animal rights wackos praise him? Check this out:

This is the kind of person Spitzer has chosen to head up the DEC. If that doesn't send a chill down your back and finally force you to action, I guess its time to realize that you really have no conviction in your beliefs in hunting.

Here is another AP quote: "Assemblyman Alexander "Pete" Grannis was nominated by Spitzer to serve as the state's Department of Environmental Conservation commissioner, but HE WILL REPORT TO a deputy secretary for the environment. That new position is being filled by Judith Enck, Spitzer's office said. Enck, 47, was an environmental policy adviser to Spitzer and previously worked on environmental issues with the New York Public Interest Research Group."

I'm not completely sure what the ramifications of this new reporting structure will be, but it is just something that didn't quite register when I first read the news of the nomination of these two.

Here is another interesting perspective on this nomination:


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Re: Attention NY hunters, fishemen and trappers

The silence here on this issue speaks volumes on why NYS hunting is in such disarray. We have huge threat to the DEC on the verge of becoming a reality, and it appears that none of the NYS hunters have even a simple comment on it or apparently any will to lift a finger to prevent it. Talk about apathy, here is an excellent example of it! I'm sure we will hear plenty of whining after it becomes a done-deal, but as usual, there seems to be a real lack of interest now, at a time when sportsmen could really have a profound positive impact as far as blocking this nomination. This thread has been a real eye-opener.


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Re: Attention NY hunters, fishemen and trappers

Join the NRA and the NYSRPA and any other local organizations you can. I also belong to NY Bowhunters, they were instrumental in the changes DEC made a few years ago.

Appointing Grannis is like putting an anti war person as the secretary of defense. NY and other states are gonna see big changes with the democraps grin.gif in office. New gun laws are in the works. Just wait and see how bad it will become with the democrats steering this country. Just look at Tokyo Rose Pelosi and what she stands for.

NY is in B I G trouble.

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Re: Attention NY hunters, fishemen and trappers

The best thing you can do is to contact your district Senator and Assemblyman and ask them to not support the appointment.

The best way to contact them is via phone, then follow up your phone call with a brief, to the point letter explaining your position.

Don't rely on an E-Mail for any clout. Most legislators get so many they seldom read them at all.

The form letters some organizations send out are not always regarded too highly. After a legislators aide sees enough of these, he or she can kind of ignore them.

The phone call is most effective by far. Be polite, get to the point and be as cival as possible. Most issues will cause whoever is answering the phone to keep track of how many calls are in favor or not in favor of a certain piece of legislation or issue. If they ask questions it is only because they are establishing a data base.

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Re: Attention NY hunters, fishemen and trappers


it will never pass

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't be so sure and never take anything for granted!!

State Sen. James Wright got a piece of my mind last night.

PLEEEEASE New Yorkers!! This is a must do. Even if it is just an e-mail YOU MUST make your voice heard. This man is not just anti hunting. His record shows that he is anti EVERYTHING outdoors. Make your voice heard!!!!

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Re: Attention NY hunters, fishemen and trappers


it will never pass

[/ QUOTE ]

And that is exactly how these kinds of nominations get through. That kind of attitude is guaranteed to ensure that the Grannis nomination will sail through confirmation with no problems whatever.

I will tell you right now that even if we get maximum response from hunters and hunter groups, the odds are still against us. Cavalier attitudes about how "it will never pass" only help to ensure that we get an outcome that will be disastrous to all outdoor sports.


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Re: Attention NY hunters, fishemen and trappers

My letters have already been sent out to Gov.Spitzer and my local state senators. I asked Spitzer straight out "what were you thinking putting a animal right activist in charge of hunting,trapping and fishing.?"

As much as Spitzer is for rooting out corruption, he did the same thing...installing commisioners within party lines, not who was BEST qualified for the job. It could only have been a patronage appointment mad.gif

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Re: Attention NY hunters, fishemen and trappers

I felt losing Denise Sheehan was really too bad. She resigned knowing Spitzer would appoint someone else.

This job is important enough I believe it should be an elected position.

A lot of appointments are just rewards for the correct butt kissing! Is it any wonder we see poor legislation from time to time?

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