OK. This guy's a little scary. The 2nd Coming???


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Feb. 5, 2007 issue -

At first glance, the congregation gathered in a warehouse in Doral, Fla., seems like a typical Hispanic evangelical group. There's the 10-piece band, the singing and swaying, the whooping and hollering. But look a little more closely. There's not a cross in sight. The lectern is emblazoned with a near replica of the U.S. presidential seal, except that it reads in Spanish, government of god on earth. Off to the side stand three burly guys in dark suits with Secret Service-style earpieces. When a door by the stage opens, the guards leap into action. They surround the man with slicked-back hair who emerges and escort him to his seat. When the crowd spots him, it goes wild. People chant, "Lord! Lord! Lord!" It quickly becomes clear that they're referring to him. "It's Jesus Christ himself!" a preacher onstage announces. "Let's welcome Jesus Christ Man!"

In the rapturous eyes of his flock, Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda is, in fact, the second coming of Christ. As the head of the Growing in Grace International Ministry, he presides over a sprawling organization that includes more than 300 congregations in two dozen countries, from Argentina to Australia. He counts more than 100,000 followers and claims to reach millions more through a 24-hour TV channel, a radio show and several Web sites. He is supported by the generosity of his devotees, who have launched some 450 businesses to pour cash into Growing in Grace's coffers. Though de Jesus' followers worship him, others denounce him as a charlatan. Everyone, however, agrees on one thing: his teachings are incendiary.

A native of Puerto Rico, de Jesus, 60, spent his youth drifting from the Roman Catholics to the Pentecostals to the Baptists. Then one night in 1973, he says, he awoke to a vision of two hulking men at his bedside who announced the arrival of the Lord, who, says de Jesus, "came to me and integrated with me." In the early years after founding Growing in Grace in Miami in 1986, de Jesus didn't claim to be Christ. Instead, he worked as a pastor spreading his doctrine: that under a new covenant with God, there is no sin and no Satan, and people are predestined to be saved. But as his following expanded, his claims did, too. In 1998, de Jesus avowed that he was the reincarnation of the Apostle Paul. Two years ago at Growing in Grace's world convention in Venezuela, he declared himself Christ. And just last week, he called himself the Antichrist and revealed a "666" tattooed on his forearm. His explanation: that, as the second coming of Christ, he rejects the continued worship of Jesus of Nazareth.

All members of Growing in Grace are expected to tithe—which, along with offerings, yielded $1.4 million for headquarters last year. One of the first orders of business at every service is the collection of money (credit cards accepted). Those who have pledged their businesses to de Jesus donate much more. Alvaro Albarracín, a savvy, successful businessman given the title Entrepreneur of Entrepreneurs by de Jesus, is an example. Over the course of Albarracín's 14 years in the church, he estimates that he's given roughly $2.5 million. Such funds help underwrite a lavish lifestyle for de Jesus, including diamond-encrusted gold rings and fancy cars. But most of the money goes to his broadcast operation.

Some observers call Growing in Grace a cult. De Jesus exerts total authority over the ministry. As a result, many have defected over the years, including Albarracín's mother, Regina, who initially turned her son on to the church. "They brainwash you," she says. Because of their disagreement, Regina and her son haven't spoken in years (she now attends an evangelical church). "This is my only family," Alvaro says of Growing in Grace. Such submission concerns Daniel Alvarez, a religious-studies instructor at Florida International University. "I hope [de Jesus] doesn't metamorphose into Jim Jones," he says, referring to the cult leader who led his followers to mass suicide in Guyana. "He has that kind of control over people." (De Jesus responds that congregants are free to come and go as they please.)

Over the past year, de Jesus has encouraged his followers to protest the alleged lies of other churches. In response, supporters have picketed Catholic congregations and burned religious materials, including crucifixes. "Our purpose is to open up people's minds," says de Jesus' right-hand man, Carlos Cestero, who says that the group rejects violence. Jesus wouldn't have it any other way—the question is whether de Jesus feels the same.

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Guest michael_bolton

Re: OK. This guy\'s a little scary. The 2nd Coming???

Can you say false prophet and anti christ? I can't believe he can convince people to follow him contrary to their Christian beliefs......

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Re: OK. This guy\'s a little scary. The 2nd Coming???

Well, if he was Jesus Christ, he certainly wouldn't need the body guards...LOL He was already led to the slaughter once for our transgressions, was innocent, and went voluntarily (didn't have to either).

It is finished...so why the body guards...LOL crazy.gifcrazy.gif

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Re: OK. This guy\'s a little scary. The 2nd Coming???


In 1998, de Jesus avowed that he was the reincarnation of the Apostle Paul. Two years ago at Growing in Grace's world convention in Venezuela, he declared himself Christ. And just last week, he called himself the Antichrist and revealed a "666" tattooed on his forearm. His explanation: that, as the second coming of Christ, he rejects the continued worship of Jesus of Nazareth.

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Sounds like at the very least this guy has some pretty serious identity issues.

As for his destiny, would not want to be in his shoes being a false profit standing before God even if he is in his own mind predestined to be saved.

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Re: OK. This guy\'s a little scary. The 2nd Coming?

Sounds like another guy I used to know named Vernon Howell. Some of you may have heard of him. I think he later changed his name to David Koresh and moved into a big building about 10 miles outside of Waco along with some of his followers.

I wonder what ever happened to them?

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Re: OK. This guy\'s a little scary. The 2nd Coming?


Sounds like another guy I used know named Vernon Howell. Some of you may have heard of him. I think he later changed his name to David Koresh and moved into a big building about 10 miles outside of Waco along with some of his followers.

I wonder what ever happened to them?

[/ QUOTE ]

Uh, I believe most of them died in the fire.

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Guest michael_bolton

Re: OK. This guy\'s a little scary. The 2nd Coming?

sounds like Satan's playing some games through this guy, and being quite successful at it if the cult has tithes of 1.4 million.

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Re: OK. This guy\'s a little scary. The 2nd Coming?


sounds like Satan's playing some games through this guy, and being quite successful at it if the cult has tithes of 1.4 million.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, that's the sad part of it all. I know a guy here in town, who is a painter, who I painted with a few years back, when I was working for someone else. At the time he had some sort of disorder, but no-one could put their finger on it. Today, I see him off and on, and sometimes he will drop in to some exterior job I am working on. He thinks he is Jesus Christ also. He even called me "Oh foolish man" one day, when I tried to tell him he was not who he thinks he is. crazy.gif

Takes all kinds, I guess, but it's really sad to see people following these mental cases around and believing them. frown.gif

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Guest michael_bolton

Re: OK. This guy\'s a little scary. The 2nd Coming?

question is where does the mental issues start and the devil taking possession of them end?? Hard to tell sometimes, but either way they only lead others to **** with them.

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Re: OK. This guy\'s a little scary. The 2nd Coming?

If you find yourself floating upwards into the sky for some unknown reason, look around and see most of the folks you go to church with and some guy says he is the Christ, believe him. Otherwise don't worry about it. They are going to come in his name untill he is here. If you are born again, you have nothing to worry about.

Blow him off.

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Guest michael_bolton

Re: OK. This guy\'s a little scary. The 2nd Coming?

exactly, there will be no doubt when Christ comes back in his glory, when he came into the world many doubted but when he returns all will know......

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Re: OK. This guy\'s a little scary. The 2nd Coming?

"Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed." (1 Cor. 15:51-52)

"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words." (1 Ths. 4:16-18)

Jesus said in Matthew 24:21, "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be."

"Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory." (Mat. 24:29-30)


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