First time Yote Hunter

Guest DeanHetzel

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Guest DeanHetzel

Hello everyone, this weekend will be my first Yote hunt. Which call do you guys recomend and how do you suggest i use them. I was thinking of buying a cotton tail sreeler and a howler. Could some of you share some tactics with me on calling them in. We are in thick country and have to use a shotgun so getting them close is important (within 50 yards). Also we are actually allowed to hunt them at night with a light but can not use bait, any tactics for that? Any help would be appreciated, thanks!!


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Re: First time Yote Hunter

primos makes some really good calls. i have a TallyHo made by Tal Lockwood. so far i have called coyotes in from about 8 out of 10 sets. so i guess it sounds pretty realistic to them. i have never called at night so i dont know what to tell you except use a red lens cover over the light. good luck and kill em dead.

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Guest abster71

Re: First time Yote Hunter

I'm a nite hunter and loveing the full moon should be a good weekend should have no problem getting them close at nite just make sure someone is watching the down wind side good luck if you just starting I would stick to the rabbit until you get used too the howler

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Guest DeanHetzel

Re: First time Yote Hunter

Alright , i will stick with the rabbit call for now but will buy both. What kind of call sets do you use, do you just keep calling over and over again or do you call in intervals? Also i know to keep down wind of where you think they will come from but wont they circle downwind before coming in? Should i use cover scent? Thanks again!

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Guest DeanHetzel

Re: First time Yote Hunter

Well went out and tried for the first time and no luck. But there were tracks everywhere, my buddy and I went out about 1:30 in the afternoon and set up in about 4 different spots with no luck. It was pretty windy so they might not have heard the calls well. We used one of those electric callers with the megaphone looking speaker. If i am using the rabbit distress call should i use it constantly during a set up or should i do it for a couple minutes and wait a couple minutes? At dark i could here a couple howls about what sounded like a mile away. Can you hunt yotes all day long or is it better in the morning and evening? Any info would help a TON, i am really new to this.

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