
Guest robane

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Re: decoys

I have been looking into this lately and done some research, questions here, etc.

Things I have learned or better yet, want to try are as follows:

A Doe decoy thats in a feeding posture is a good choice to get other doe and bucks out there. She is saying its safe to come out... It works more on doe then bucks though...

Doe decoys that are in a stance like a 3D target are in an alert posture and may hang bucks up.

Think about how a doe acts when she sees you.

Stands very still and stares at you. Just like a 3D target would appear to other deer.

Small buck and doe decoy together will entice bucks better then just a lone doe.

The basic jealousy factor there...

Notice I say small buck. A large rack buck decoy could scare away lesser sized deer... You want the buck decoy to appear to be the local whimp not the neighboring bad boy...

Unless your objective is to challenge a dominate buck you know for sure will see your decoy.

A beded doe with a small buck decoy will get the dominate buck or larger bucks all P.O-ed and he will come in to challenge. The beded doe says she has been bred and is trying to maximize fertility by laying still, and the smaller buck looks like the culperate who did the deed.

Face "standing upright" doe decoys towards areas where you think deer will come from if you do not have a feeder decoy. Never face a doe decoy towards your stand location. A mature deer (doe or buck) will try and see what the decoy is looking at to determine danger or not.

A live doe feeding out in the field will watch her back trail as others filter out. This will not alert or alarm deer from another area of the feild if they see this. they will just think other deer are coming out too.

Definately face a buck decoy directly towards you. Especially during the rut, as a live buck will try to come face to face with buck decoys to challenge leaving the live deers back towards you. This applies if you use a lone buck or a buck and doe combo...

Lone doe decoys work very well during late summer early fall during summer feeding habits. if the deer seem to start coming out later and later as the season goes on.

Buck and doe decoys together work best during the per-rut and rut.

As with anything else. Make sure you play the wind right. A smart ole deer will circle down wind to get the decoys scent. Make sure your not between the two. Furthermore spray your decoy down with scent eliminator and try not to touch it with bare hands.

JMO and I am sure Buckee can add to this since he is who I got most of my info from....

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Re: decoys

Well, I took the plunge and did the decoy thing this year. Needless to say, I've got two Renzo decoy's for sale, at a bargain price! LOL I used one and both of them in different situations and got the same reaction on both. They didn't like them! A Doe went crazy out in a field for a hour and a half. She couldn't make up her mind to take a dump or get off the pot. Used the doe in the woods on a scrape line and had a 100" buck in full rut. (He got shot the next weekend, during gun) It stopped he dead in his tracks, but that was it. He went the other way. I used scent eliminator and deer scents. I didn't put the scents on the decoy's, but on the ground. That was recommended! Maybe I did something wrong with them, but like others. I watched video's and did research on how to set them up properly, wind direction, etc. So, if someone wants a couple of slightly used Renzo buck and doe decoy's, it'll cost you $15.00 a piece plus shipping.

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