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Does anyone out there use the mojo decoy or anything other brand that does the samething ? Me and my huntin buddies are thinking about getting one or two for next season and was wondering if they really work ? and if we got any would it be better to just have one, or two ?

Thanks for the info

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Re: Mojo


Are they really worth the money? Man those things are really expensive.

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get a baby mojo, they are the cheapest and the end of the season you can get them on clearence, ive seen them marked down to 50 bucks at some wal-marts, them baby mojos out last all the robo ducks, anyways getting back to your question, yes and no, when the robo first came out, man they were the real deal, everything came too them, but now they have been around so long they are just educating the birds, from state to state, yes they have worked great some days, but somedays we will take them out of the spread and the birds are just all over the dekes, they have their ups and downs, yes great for bring high birds down, if you got locals, some times they can hurt ya, if ya got a push of birds dont hurt to throw it out, but like i said they can help ya sometimes and they also can hurt ya i believe, ehh dont matter anyways there starting to be illegal in many places, soon enough they will be banned every where i think, and that will be fine by me, just my .02

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Re: Mojo

have had one for about 5 years now...great for early season then once the birds become smarter they wont decoy at all if they see one. my rule of thumb here in Oklahoma is the first season im not caught without it, and in the second season you wont catch me with it. but in my opinion its worth the money because they will land almost on top of it before they become educated

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Re: Mojo

I basicly agree with what every above has said. I haven't personally used one though, but I don't plan on buying one anytime soon. Arkansas has already banned them, and i think theres a couple other states that also have. I know Indiana considered it last year as well. Before you drop a buncha money on one, make sure they are legal in your state. Personally, i would rather spend the money on a nice custom call or something.

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Re: Mojo

i have a lucky duck with a remote too. i believe they work just about all the time. my expericences are different from other people so dont bash me for this. but my dad, my brother and i went out hunting one morning and put out the dekes and lucky duck. my brothers buddy and his dad had about 2 dozen more dekes than we did(bout 1/2 dozen). I hardly had to call and they would fly over my bros friend just out of range and come in right to us. i have had alot of ducks that i dont even have to call come in. the would be flyin by way out of range and then they just turn and come on in. it all just has to do with how educated the ducks are. i guess i just shoot stupid ducks then.

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Re: Mojo

I've used a baby mojo hen for a couple years. Sometimes they work sometimes they don't. In low light they seem to work better and the teal really seem to love them. Some guys shut them off after first light. I don't have one with a remote, but wish I did, it would be really handy to be able to shut it off when they come in close.

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Re: Mojo


Leave the gadgets at home and put the extra money in gas to do some scouting. . . . thats how ducks die.

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i like that, cove, thats a good quote to go by, definately scouting is the biggest part of duck hunting

thats what we are always doing before the season out looking for the birds and just watching them and seeing what their doing, it pays off big time

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