Stomach Virus or something worse?


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A pretty nasty stomach virus has been going around our school for about 3 weeks now and I think I might have it. My stomach started cramping pretty bad after lunch on Wed. I thought maybe it might be the chilli coverd "Super borrito" we had for lunch, but it kept getting worse. By the time I got home after school I was cramping so bad that I could harldly sit up. My first thought was food poisoning, but when I got up the next morning I was even sicker and ended up staying home from work. I ate some bananas and other bland stuff, hoping I could keep it down (and in crazy.gif), but no dice. I got up Friday and went in to work, but after about a half hour I figured out that it wasn't going to work. Didn't really want to take that gamble at school shocked.gif , so I got a sub to come in and went home. Yesterday I started feeling a little better and made some dinner, fried boneless chicken breast, mashed potatoes and corn. Bad plan.

So here I am 5 days into this and my stomach is still cramping. I'm not naucous anymore and getting pretty darned hungry. The problem is that about 10 minutes after I eat, regardless what it is, I start cramping up again.

I asked my wife if maybe I've got an ulser or something. I usually don't stay sick this long with a stomach virus. It's normally about a day and a half or so.

Any ideas?

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Re: Stomach Virus or something worse?

I'd go see a doctor. Food poisoning, at least when I've had it, only lasts 1-2 days. I had a flu thing during the summer, actually almost our entire summer custodial crew got it, and that lasted about 3 days but the stomach pain and puking and diarrhea lasted like 2 days. Go see a Dr, better safe than sorry.

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Re: Stomach Virus or something worse?

This is just my point of view other health care workers might tell you different but it sounds like you have one of the many flues going around i would give it a week to 2 weeks then go see the doctor.

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Re: Stomach Virus or something worse?

We have passed the stomach flu child to child...the soft stool or runs have lasted about a week for each kids, we push fluids........the vomiting has lasted 5 days...its a rough virus, and will have to run its course......prayers sent....see your doctor though, drink fluids and take a daily vitamin...........good luck, and God

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Re: Stomach Virus or something worse?

I had it, my wife had it and the baby had it all within a week but the baby got the worst of it. She was sick for about 8 or 9 days and couldn't keep anything in but Pedialite and then we had to mix it with formula at the end. Poor little thing had a diaper change about once every 5 mins literally.

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Guest Bubba54

Re: Stomach Virus or something worse?

My Son's School was shut down for a few days due to an Illness,They had to clean the place top to Bottom,They had said over 100 children were out sick due to an "unknown" Virus..

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Re: Stomach Virus or something worse?


Go to a doctor!

[/ QUOTE ]

Definitely do that John. The stomach bug is going around here too. My kids had it, lasted 3 days with my 10 year old, she is a bit more sensitive for some reason to stomach viruses. Usually these types of bugs wil run their course in 2-3 days, if not, you might need some medical attention.

Think it may have hit me slightly last week too, but was not as bad as the kids.

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